Chapter 1264 The Idol's Cat 116
cooperate?Although we all know, it won't happen.

With her status, it is impossible to film the same movie as Shen Wu again.

It was a moment of luck.

But she learned these words sincerely. She saw the top-tier strength and learned a lot from him.

Worth it.

Goodbye Jiang Hu.

Lian Jue crouched in the corner and kneaded pistachios, hooking shoulders and backs with Xiao Feng, who were equally inseparable from each other.

Two or three months is long enough for two people to cultivate a friendship comparable to Marx and Engels.

Lian Jue now feels that Shen Wu and Xiao Feng are not even close.

The girl looked sad, "Fengfeng, will you continue to follow that Teacher Zhou in the future?"

Affected by the emotion of parting, Xiaofeng was also a little sad, "I don't know yet, maybe, but the company has recently signed some new boy group members, and I might be asked to take them."

"What about you?" Xiaofeng asked back, "Are you still following... Shen Wu?"

Xiao Feng was actually a little embarrassed to say it.

Sometimes I really don't see what Shen Mo does.

It seems to be an assistant, but it seems that sometimes the boss needs to take care of it.

Cough... She once felt that she was really happy to be with a boss like Shen Wu.

You don't have to do the dirty work, and you can catch fish all day long.

Most importantly, the boss seems to be very happy.

Lian Jue shook his head, "No, my boss thinks I'm fishing every day, so he wants to sell me."

Xiaofeng: "..."


She patted the girl on the back lightly, and comforted her: "Don't think so, although you are indeed fishing all day long, but you are so good-looking, the boss will be in a good mood every day looking at you."

The girl nodded convincingly, "What you said makes sense...I decided to forgive my boss."


Xiaofeng looked at the girl lovingly.

It's good to be a silly white sweet like Shen Mo.

She remembered something, and took this opportunity to ask curiously, quietly, "The reason why Shen Wu chose you to be his assistant is because you have the same name as his cat?"

Lian Jue: "..."

The girl looked over blankly, "How do you know?"

Xiaofeng covered her mouth and smiled a little embarrassedly, "Actually, I didn't know that before. Didn't I follow Teacher Shen Wu's Weibo later? I know he has a cat but I don't know what it's called. A few days ago Tianfan only found out that it was called Momo after seeing the comments from fans."

"Shen Mo, Shen Mo," Xiao Feng sighed, "Mr. Shen Wu really dotes on his cat."

Lian Jue: "..."

The two exchanged WeChat messages and agreed to play together again when they had time in the capital city.

The celebration banquet was over, and Lian Jue patted his ass to find his master.

There are not many people in the corridor, everyone who should be scattered has been dispersed, and all the bosses have left.

The girl had no scruples anymore, and shouted at the top of her voice, "Shen Wu? Shen Wu?"


"Xiao Wuwu?"

"Sister Wu?"

"Sister Wuwu?"

A hand suddenly stretched out diagonally, pulling the girl into the bathroom.

The hot lips fell down overwhelmingly and forcefully, blocking her words tightly.


The girl struggled to break free, stretched out her hand and patted the opponent's arm several times, barely making a sound, complaining: "Hey..."

"Where did you go? Huh?" Shen Wu smoothed the girl's long hair that was messed up by him just now, and squinted her eyes.

She was a little dazed by the kiss, staring at the slightly moist lips of the handsome face in front of her, "In the corridor, I... I just stayed in the corridor."

"Don't run around." He didn't say much, then lowered his head and kissed gently, "I can't find you."

"I went to chat with my little sister, shall we... go back now?"

(End of this chapter)

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