Chapter 1266 The Idol's Cat 118
Xiao Jing, who had been forced to take vacations for more than a month in a row, also gradually discovered a different atmosphere in the company. As the only assistant around Shen Wu these years, she was asked to tell her many things.

So Xiaojing was shocked to know the fact that she had an extra lady boss.

Xiao Jing, who had been by Shen Wu's side for such a long time but didn't notice any clues, was in a daze.

I even heard... Both of them have met their parents?

Xiao Jing thought what the hell I missed.

In just over a month, the boss actually did so many things? ?

Isn't he afraid of falling powder?

What kind of goblin is the other party?

Could it be the internet celebrity who chased him last time?
Or an actress from the same crew?
Isn't there a childhood sweetheart who came back from the United States out of nowhere?

The joy of Xiaojing's one-month vacation was gone in an instant.

In order to catch up with the first echelon of eating melons, she eagerly went to the boss, and tried something tremblingly.

By the way, I also discovered that the reason why I can take a month off is thanks to the other party.

It turns out that the assistant beside Shen Wu these days is his girlfriend.

It turns out that the boss's new song and Weibo these days are all related to this woman.

It turns out...

Xiaojing was deeply moved, and added the proprietress as a friend by the way.

At the beginning, I chatted with fear and fear, fearing that I would make the empress unhappy if I said a wrong sentence casually, and would be blown away by the wind blowing on my pillow.

But later on, the style of painting changed, and for some reason, it developed into two people who often fit together in private and sprayed Shen Wu.

Once women have a common enemy, they will love each other like sisters.

Of course, Xiao Jing still dare not claim to be the little sister of the proprietress, she just feels very happy and excited to be able to talk to the proprietress.

Much better than the owner's impersonal ice machine.

Even Jue is the same.

Sometimes it's too boring, or on the verge of being driven crazy by Shen Wu, and even Jue doesn't know many people in the imperial capital, so he will chat with Xiaofeng or Xiaojing.

She has a natural affection for Xiaojing.

Maybe it's because Xiao Jing is so gentle, she used to feed her cat food, bathe her, play with her, and give her warm hugs.

In contrast, Shen Wu is really not a person.

Lian Jue sighed and sent a message to Xiaomengmei.

[Quiet, quiet, quiet!are u there? 】

【Cute Wumei.JPG】

There are many out-of-print emoticons stored in Lian Jue's phone.

They are all meticulously produced by talented fans, the kind that if someone sees them, they will be severely bullied.

Lian Jue will only use these precious stocks when sending messages to a good girlfriend like Xiaojing Xiaofeng.

【In the! 】

【Naughty Wumei.JPG】

Lian Jue was very relieved, and immediately asked the main question: [How does Shen Wu drink? 】

【Sister Wu smirks.JPG】

The person on the other side seemed to hesitate, but quickly replied.

【capacity for liquor?I feel that the boss's drinking capacity should be okay. I have never seen him drunk, and of course I have never seen him drink too much. If he drank a lot, then I don't know...]

【Sister Wu is at a loss.JPG】

【It's just that you haven't been drunk under your nose?What kind of occasion is the celebration banquet and the green banquet? 】

【right. 】

[I haven't heard of him getting up in the middle of the night to vomit, right? 】

【It’s hard to say, but if he is still conscious, it won’t happen】

That drinking capacity should be ok, so I won't get up in the middle of the night and go crazy at home.

Lian Jue, who originally planned to find a housekeeping aunt, was glad that he hadn't found one, otherwise it would be embarrassing to ask someone else to come at such a late hour.

(End of this chapter)

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