Chapter 1270 The Idol's Cat 122
He said in a low voice, "Huh?", "Not...satisfied? We usually re-ship the goods for bad reviews..."

"Although the goods are still the same, with the development of the times, the quality will get better and better, and strive to bring you the best experience..."

"I am very satisfied with the choice!" The girl raised her hand.

Shen Wu also expressed his satisfaction, "Okay, I will continue to move towards perfection."

Lian Jue: "..."



Since opening the trumpet account, Lian Jue has often shared some of her daily life on Weibo, some of which are trivial things, such as what gossip she chatted with Xiaojing, and what she ate for lunch.

Of course, most of it is about Shen Wu.

It is because it is difficult to find someone who can confide in love in real life, Lian Jue regards this account as his love record, and sometimes Shen Wu will record something touching when he thinks of it.

Make a memorial.

Of course, this commemoration does not include letting Shen Wu find out.

It would be too shameful for anyone to find out.

The reason why I chose to post it on Weibo is because I have a bad attitude. Anyway, no one believes it. Even if someone got it, they probably thought it was a fan dream.

If the cover-up continues like this, Shen Wu will probably never know.

He has too many fans, it is impossible to get her account from the vast crowd.

But Lian Jue was unlucky.

"I'm going to the bathroom, urgent to urinate."

Lian Jue hurriedly put the phone on the sofa.

Shen Wu had just finished taking the first group of photos, and hooked the girl's hand, "Take a photo with your mobile phone."

"You use it." The girl hurried to the toilet.

His cell phone was in Xiao Jing's place. The kid went to the headquarters in the morning and didn't remember to leave the cell phone behind.

Shen Wu knew the password of his girlfriend's mobile phone, so he unlocked it and entered the main page without much effort.


Was she checking Weibo just now?

Shen Wu stared at the Weibo page curiously.

He didn't know that his girlfriend had a Weibo account, and the activity level...was quite high.

Shen Wu didn't even think about it, after taking the photo he wanted, he wrote down his girlfriend's Weibo ID by the way, planning to go back and find the phone Weibo to follow.


Taking back the phone from Xiao Jing, Shen Wu, who was lying on the bed waiting for his girlfriend after taking a shower, clicked on Weibo.

I found my girlfriend's account without much trouble.

With such a high level of activity, he should have posted a lot of Weibo.

I just don't know what to post.

Is it making data for him?Don't follow other celebrities.

He clicked curiously.

Twenty minutes later, Shen Wu buried himself in the pillow and laughed so hard that his shoulders trembled...

[Shen Wu did styling for two hours today, my God, having such a boyfriend is really exhausting]

[Today during menstruation, I went to buy milk tea with Xiao Jing, Shen Wu saw it and asked me why I didn’t buy it for him, three times a day, is he my girlfriend?Is he the uncle here?Is he a princess? 】

[It ran out again, he went to the supermarket to buy it in the middle of the night, but luckily it was close by, and his coat was cold when he came back]

【Unhappy today, Shen Wu asked me why I was angry, I said there was no reason, he said I don't love him anymore.Ask three times a day, is he a love brain?Wasn't he ever unhappy?Does he have time to sleep more? 】

[It's so soft and cute when you wake up in the morning, the [-]th like is an angel, isn't it an angel? 】

When I first applied for Weibo, most of the content was to record my daily life and occasionally complain about him.

(End of this chapter)

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