Chapter 1276 The Idol's Cat 128
Shen Wu looked around, and his eyes stopped on the latest post.

【Shen Wu, Shen Wu, Shen Wu】

The corners of her lips couldn't stop rising.

Someone said in a good mood: "I'm going to the bathroom."

Xiao Jing reminded: "It will start in 10 minutes."

"Beep beep..."


Lian Jue threw all the clothes into the washing machine, and saw that it was her boyfriend, and felt relieved.


"What are you doing?" Lazy tone, low and moving.

"I'm doing the laundry." Lian Jue answered honestly, holding the phone curiously and said, "Why... you called me at this hour? Aren't you recording a program?"

"Because...well," Shen Wu chuckled, "Probably because my girlfriend misses me."

Lian Jue: "..."

Her ears felt a little hot for some reason, Lian Jue was embarrassed: "How do you know?"

The fact that he made her breakfast all morning because he didn't sleep much really disturbed her mood.

She has been worried about his state.

Although it sounds quite energetic on the phone now, but... she knows it's just the sound.

He was still on a sports variety show, so I don't know how tiring it is.

"Why do I know? Of course it's because there will be telepathy between two people who love each other."

Lian Jue: "..."


Shen Wu looked up at the bright sun above his head, hooked his lips and said in a low voice, "Is your girlfriend worried about me again?"

"...You guessed it right again." The girl said earnestly: "You know that you have work today, so you shouldn't be tired last night, I was tired and everyone was tired."

Shen Wu said softly: "I know... It's not that you are too cute, you are the culprit, okay?"

Lian Jue: "..."

"Stop talking, see you in the evening."

"See you tonight." The girl obediently hung up the phone.

After a while, the phone received a text message from Shen Wu.

"Don't dress too cute at night, there is work tomorrow, hey, I will let you know love/love in advance."

Lian Jue: "..."

It was still a multimedia message.

Rich Uncle Shen.

While the washing machine was running, the bored Lian Jue opened Weibo again.

She found that the fan who clarified Shen Wu's formation actually replied.

[I'm really... Uh, sister, can't this frustrate you?Are you a wolf warrior]

Maybe, Wolf Warrior.

Lian Jue thought numbly, and numbly took out the dried clothes from the washing machine to dry on the clothes rail.


Sunset West Mountain.

It doesn't feel good to see your sweetheart after returning home, Shen Wu rushed to the bathroom to take a shower after eating.

Although there is work the next day, but if you hurry up, it is enough to warm up.

Shen Mo was also rushed to take a bath by him, and Shen Wu took the dry clothes in and folded them.

Lying on the bed, Shen Wu clicked on Weibo.

This time, I looked at the trending searches first, and then clicked on my girlfriend's Weibo after scrolling for a while.

He didn't post any updates in the afternoon, which was within his expectation.

Shen Wu's gaze fell on Shen Mo's reply to his private letter again.

The corners of the lips are slightly raised.


After watching it during the day, I went to record it. I didn’t have time to reply, but now I just reply.

I am!A pink rabbit: [Thank you sister for your blessing!I wish my sister a night full of energy! 】

Shen Wu didn't have any psychological pressure to act as a cute girl.

He continued to edit the send.

[Sister, actually I have a doubt, what do you like about Brother Shen Wu?Like him handsome?Like he's talented?Still like his excellent personality? 】

(End of this chapter)

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