Chapter 1285 The Idol's Cat 137
Sister Wutong's fighting power is too strong... In just one night, she wiped out all the old things of X Satellite TV over the years!

This is the ingenuity of Sister Wutong.

It's just that bundling CP is not enough for it to gain more public attention, so they put their focus on digging out the filth carefully covered up by X Satellite TV...

Even if there are people protecting it, X Satellite TV will definitely shed a layer of skin this time!

"jingle bell jingle bell..."

A slender arm stretched out from under the quilt, touched it, and picked up the mobile phone next to the bed, with a tired magnetic voice, "Hello?"

On the other side of the phone, Qin Feng said happily: "Brother! Your Indus Army is too powerful. Let me tell you that I heard from my dad that X Satellite TV received a call from the Central Committee last night. ..."

"The Indus Legion did a great job! X Satellite TV deserves it too," Qin Feng grinned, "it's obviously a mainstream media, who makes it do some showy operations every time..."

"Hmm..." The girl murmured suddenly, and Shen Wu covered her lips with his hand.


Qin Feng: "...!"

He stood still for a second, swallowed his saliva, and said hesitantly, "You, is there someone next to you?"

Shen Wu hummed lightly.

Qin Feng: "..."

Is this the point? !

this is not! ! !
The point is that this is obviously a girl's voice! ! !

Early in the morning, the sound of the obviously tired just waking up...not even the sound of getting up...

This shows what?It means that the girl is lying on the same bed as him! ! !
After being silent for at least a century, Qin Feng made the sound of a cat spitting, "Shen, Shen Wu, which investor have you slept with?"

The girl rubbed her eyes, and kicked Shen Wu a little annoyed.

The person who was kicked was not angry, and kissed the other person lightly on the forehead, Shi Shiran got off the bed, picked up the clothes on the ground and put them on, "Keep down, you are disturbing my benefactor."


"If you are here to praise the merits of my fans, you can post a Weibo directly, I believe they will be very happy to see it."

"Is there anything else? It's okay to hang up."

Shen Wu was wearing a belt, and explained lightly, "She's a little awake, I have to get up and cook for her."

Qin Feng: "Poof..."

Qin Feng, 1998-2021.

Die from vomiting blood.

While having breakfast, Lian Jue asked casually, "Who is it that called you this morning?"

It's past seven o'clock, which makes people have a clear dream.

"Qin Feng."

"Sounds like he's more excited than you are."

"It means that I've been busy recently and haven't received any work." Shen Wu cut the steak slowly.

Lian Jue: "..."

After all, it's your gay friend. Does he have such a vicious mouth when he speaks? !

"Counting it...he hasn't seen you yet."

"I don't have much work today, shall we go to his house to play after dinner?" Shen Wu raised his eyes.

The Wutong Legion made an unusually strong start. Naturally, it was impossible for Tianyu to fall behind the fans. The officials wanted to fight a public opinion war, so today's work was postponed.


While washing the dishes, Shen Wu called Qin Feng, and Lian Jue was holding a mobile phone beside him.

"Wait until noon."

Qin Feng was stunned for a moment, very happy, "Okay, I'll let my aunt come over to cook."

"But how do you have time... Oh yes, the X Satellite TV company probably gave you a holiday..."

"Take my patron."

Qin Feng's remaining words stuck in his throat, "..."

Lian Jue: "..."

She pointed to herself and looked at Shen Wu suspiciously.

(End of this chapter)

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