Chapter 1300 The Idol's Cat 152
Lian Jue put his hat on for him, "If such a handsome forehead is photographed..."

"Okay," the girl straightened her hat, very satisfied, "Shen Wu, I will protect you."

He pulled off his hat and mask again, and raised the corners of his lips, "I will protect you too."

Lian Jue was stunned for a moment, a brand new mask was put on his face, and the top of his head was touched, "Are you ready, girlfriend."

Not far away, the flash lights up.

At 05:30 in the afternoon, a photo went viral on the Internet.

bombed the web.

In the photo, against the background of the Ferris wheel in the playground, a man and a woman are sitting on a bench. The girl is wearing a mask and a hat.

The slender fingers landed on the top of her head. It seemed that she had just put the hat on for her.

Not far from the two of them, in the upper right corner of the photo, a pink heart balloon just happened to float by.


eight pm.

Shen Wu posted a Weibo.

"Hello, my delusional little girlfriend."


[Is this fake? This is fake!Ah... Ye Qingjie! ! 】

【Shen Wu, don't fall in love, okay?Is it okay not to fall in love? 】

[I don't believe it, I don't believe it, I don't believe it]

[You left the group just to fall in love?Are you worthy of your fans?Are you worthy of fans who sell their iron krypton gold? 】

[I have completed this marriage. I heard that the other party is not an insider. It is fine if he is not an insider. My mother only asks for this.]

【I'm done +1】

【I'm done +52135】

[Blessing +521333435]

【I just hope that you can keep the girl you like at the best age. Maybe this is the original intention of you leaving the group early after disbanding in half a year. The more you like you, the more you understand】

[Three years of companionship, no regrets, I wish you better]

[Maybe you should have had a premonition from the moment you left the group, but you persisted until the end, really tired, I'm going to rest, see you in Jianghu]

[I don’t know what to say, I can only bless you]

[Since you know what you are carrying to fly to the flames, then don't break up for the rest of your life]

[There are always old fans leaving and new fans coming, have everything you want, and let go if you don’t get it]

[Welcome the new generation of powerful actor Shen Wu! ! !Now she is a Wumei who can talk about love openly! 】

【Goodbye Jianghu】

Shen Wu's personal Weibo account lost 300 million fans.

However, this number is just a drop in the bucket compared to his tens of millions of fans.

At the same time, the topic of his love affair rushed to seven hot searches.

Even Jue's Weibo ID was also popular.

[Sister, I didn't expect it to be true, I'm blind! ! ! ! 】

[My little girlfriend with hypochondria... so sweet that passers-by find it so sweet! 】

[Here comes the archeology, I heard that there is a daily love story recorded by Shen Wu's girlfriend? 】

[Take back the insult of asking you to see a psychiatrist, by the way, I have already made an appointment for an ophthalmologist]

[Sister-in-law good evening!Sister-in-law salute!Good night, sister-in-law!Good night, Brother Wu! 】

【Look around/Open your eyes wide】

[Seeking to sell the cheat book of "How to Catch the Top Ranker"]

[Can you start the live broadcast and share the process of realizing love?I would pay to watch! ! ! 】

[I didn't expect that I became a fan under Shen Wu's girlfriend's Weibo]

[Fans stop carnival, maybe they are not at all, your brother only said that there are so many delusions in the world, laughing to death]

(End of this chapter)

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