Chapter 1309 The Idol's Cat 161
"Little rabbit, you have become more courageous."

Lian Jue changed her phone number and re-applied for an account.

"Big tigers like to eat little rabbits".

Very good, there is no need to be afraid of being discovered when posting on Weibo this time.

Lian Jue posted a photo of the couple on the Ferris wheel.

She didn't make it too clear either.

He deliberately picked out a few profiles of Shen Wu's faces, which are blurry, and belong to the kind that can be recognized at a glance, and people will believe that he looks like a celebrity.

After taking a shower, Shen Wu leaned over, the corners of his lips curled up idlely, "Send Weibo?"

Lian Jue pushed his face away, impatient: "Go, go, don't you want the princess to hug you when you're sleepy? Go to sleep quickly, and don't meddle in the girls' affairs."

Shen Wu came up again, "Is the girl's boyfriend also an outsider?"

Lian Jue: "..."

stay away from me.

She hugged her phone, not wanting to show it to him, "I changed my account, so I don't believe I can still be found out this time."

Shen Wu raised his eyebrows: "Oh? What if we are discovered again."

"Aren't you bothered? Of course it's another one."

"...Awesome, worthy of being my girlfriend."

Junyan sighed, put his hands behind his head, and stared at the ceiling, "I bet..."

"What's the bet?" The girl who was watching the replay of the National Day live broadcast didn't even look up.

Bet you'll still be found.

Shen Wu chuckled and closed his eyes.

The two cuddled together for a while and watched the replay of the Tiananmen live broadcast during the day.

"I think I saw Grandpa just now?"

Lian Jue thought he was wrong, so he looked back suspiciously, only to find that the old man in the military green suit with military medals was just...

Shen Wu paused.

"Well, it's grandpa."

He pointed to a group of middle-aged men in military uniform standing behind him, "Dad is here, too."

Lian Jue: "Wow..."

She sincerely admires it.

"Grandpa should be eighty, right?"

Shen Wu hummed, "86."

"Grandpa hasn't retired yet?"

"They are soldiers who have witnessed the founding of the country, and they all aim to fight for the motherland for 50 years."

"When 50 years are over, it will be 60 years, and when 60 years are over, it will be 70 years. I hope to fight until the real revival dream comes true."

Lian Jue nodded, feeling even more admired in his heart.

Especially seeing the influx of young soldiers, the contrast between the fresh blood and the aging body is sharp.

The power to move people's hearts is enormous.

Shen Wu just showed him, "Here, this is Uncle Qin, Qin Feng's father."

"Uncle Qin is quite handsome." Lian Jue said with emotion.

Shen Wu responded, "Indeed, Qin Feng did not inherit the excellent genes of Uncle Qin and Aunt Qin."

Lian Jue: "..."

You two are really good friends, right?
He's still thinking about it when he's not around, falling in love and killing each other in front of his girlfriend?

In fact, Qin Feng is really handsome.

But it is impossible for Lian Jue to say that in front of Shen Wu.

She pretended to be authentic: "Our little Shen Wuchang is still handsome, not only inheriting the beauty of Shen's mother, but also inheriting the handsomeness of Shen's father."

Shen Wu hummed slowly, "It makes sense."

Lian Jue: "..."

Qin Feng knew that he would die of grief.

After watching the replay, Lian Jue was belatedly aware of what Shen Wu had been telling her about grandpa and dad just now.

Grandpa is okay, everyone in this age group calls him that, but when talking about Father Shen, he doesn't even add his father, it feels... as if he is the father of the two of them.

She belatedly felt embarrassed.

(End of this chapter)

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