Chapter 1317 The Idol's Cat 169
"Take me to look around my new room." After Shen's mother left, Lian Jue teased her boyfriend.

Shen Wu said lazily: "No, you can go and see for yourself."

He bowed his head and added: "There's nothing to see, the rooms all look the same."

The girl thought for a while, and looked at the album again without being in a hurry.

She thought of something and took out her phone.

Shen Wu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick, the phone fell into his hand before the flash light flashed.

Even when Jue's secret photos were discovered, he didn't feel guilty: "Give it to me."

The young man turned his fingertips, and the phone fell behind him.

"No shooting." His face was light.

"Why can't I take pictures?" The girl gently tugged at her boyfriend's sleeve, turning into a little Jiaojiao, "It's not shameful...just take some pictures for me."

"Boy friend……"

"I beg you……"

Shen Wu was almost turned into a tumbler by her shaking, the girl was still shaking, "Clap, clap."

Shen Wu was unmoved, "You can watch it, but you can't shoot it."

The girl pointed at herself, with a resentful expression on her face: "Shen Wu, look at who is in front of you, it's your girlfriend, not an illegitimate fan, even if I took a picture of you as a child, what else can I do for you? Have you been sold?"

You can't sell, you can tweet.

Shen Wu, who knew it well, adhered to the principle of absolutely not letting the ugly childhood photos spread, no matter what his girlfriend said, he was still unmoved.

Lian Jue sighed, raised his eyelids and glanced at him secretly, "Okay, since you're so unhappy, then forget it, play by yourself, I'm going to see the room."

The girl patted her skirt and stood up.

Shen Wu groaned, and put away the photo album.

It looked like she had already thought that she would sneak back and take pictures secretly.

Lian Jue: "..."

Guarding against girlfriends is the same as guarding against thieves, as for?
The new room furnished by Shen's mother unexpectedly matches Lian Xiaojue's appetite.

Freshly furnished and decorated, it looks like a literary girl's room.

It looks like it started preparing very early, maybe it started when she first came to Shen's house?

Lian Jue felt warm in his heart.

Shen's mother took her seriously as her own daughter.

Shen Wu was right in saying something.

The moment she was accepted into his family, the Shen family would give half of their love to Shen Wu to her.

What he said was true.

These elders are treating her very carefully.

Lian Jue opened the window to let in some air.

Originally, he was still thinking about whether to satisfy Shen Wu and sneak to his room at night.

Now I suddenly fell in love with this room specially arranged for her.

Just let the boyfriend stay alone in the empty room.

The hateful handsome guy who doesn't even take a photo.

Lian Jue sighed comfortably, lay down on the bed, took out his phone and clicked on Weibo.

The hot search is still full of red.

Shen Wu's super chat is marked with seven days of ban on entertainment, and the small group that shared the high-definition images of idols and yy to their heart's content on weekdays is also missing, and it is lonely.

Most of the fans are reposting various copywriting and celebration words related to the National Day.

Some people also left messages under her "Sister Luobote" account.

Actually quite a lot.

Looking at the row after row of IDs, I found that they were all familiar in Chaohua, Shen Wu's most active fans.

Some people actually leave dozens of them a day.

Lian Jue's eyes widened, and he opened them curiously.

[On the third day of continuous waiting, I still haven't waited for Sister Carrot to update, record it]

[Sister Carrot, please, there is always time to post a little routine when you are on vacation, you don’t know that your man’s Weibo is full of grass all the year round, and Sister Wutong is almost dying of loneliness]

(End of this chapter)

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