Chapter 1326 The Idol's Cat 178
It's a pity that his destined heroine can't quite understand his rare and affectionate words of love.

"Then you won't be angry when you see me flirting with the real hero?" Lian Jue felt strange.

Shen Wu: "..."

He calmly suppressed the anger that surged up from the bottom of his heart almost instantly, and rubbed the person in his arms, "You said it yourself as a metaphor, I'm not magnanimous enough?"

The girl was strangled by the throat of fate, "...ahem..."

She rolled her eyes, "You are really the most generous man I have ever seen... Cough."

"Don't think about those weird things, the little uncle's business doesn't bother you enough?"


That's really annoying.

The girl said earnestly, "I'm the cartoonist I met when I went shopping for my little uncle."

"Okay, okay, I know you went shopping for little uncle." Shen Wu didn't want to spend too much time on a strange man, "We'll go home before we go to the cemetery, I remembered him There seems to be a romance novel in the room that I liked very much before, and this time I will take it along with it."

"Okay." Even Jue didn't care.

Shen Wu lowered his eyes and said lightly, "By the way, I will teach you a lesson when I go back."


"I beg you... Auntie must be here at this point, and just now," Lian Jue looked a little unnatural, "Can you stop being so..."

She thought hard and couldn't find an adjective, and finally tried to replace it with other words, "Can you stop being so... loose?"

"Let me emphasize one last time, I really don't want to be famous, really, really!" She shook the boy's arm back and forth.

Shen Wu was unmoved and let her shake, "What did I do? I don't seem to have done anything. I can't control others thinking about that."

Lian Jue: "..."

You didn't do anything, you just flirted with your girlfriend in front of other people.

Lian Jue sincerely felt that if Shen Wu didn't have such a face, it would be impossible for him to find a girlfriend.

As for why she was able to find such a perfect girlfriend, it was definitely a gift from God.

After finishing work and returning to the old house, Shen Wu also taught him a decent lesson, but Aunt Shen was downstairs, verbally talking about such and such, but in fact it was just a small fight.

The two of them went into the little uncle's room, and took a few romance novels that he had almost torn apart.

Shen's mother was not happy to leave so quickly, and wanted to keep the two of them for dinner, Shen Wu said to go to the cemetery to see the little uncle.

Only then did Shen's mother agree.

"How do you think the little uncle managed to turn through such a thick book?" Lian Jue glanced back and forth at the tattered cover, feeling surprised.

"I heard that apart from his professional classes, that's his only hobby."

Shen Wu changed into black and white, a white shirt and black slacks, with his hands in his pockets, he walked up the stairs.

He was handsome and slender, like a nobleman walking out of a painting.

"At that time, there were not so many hobbies that can be developed now. He just likes to read novels and comics."

"Well, of course, there are no celebrities to chase after."

Lian Jue had reason to suspect that she was implying that the little uncle might chase after himself.

"The review of the film is almost over, and the film studio has scheduled it to be released before the end of the year."

"So early?"

"Well, the director still has something to do with it. Sometimes you think he's just an ordinary director who doesn't make much money. In fact, he is most likely a hidden boss."

(End of this chapter)

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