Chapter 1330 The Idol's Cat 182
The little fans around were chatting about Shen Wu's new drama, and there were some questions about making the list, even Jue couldn't hear it.

"I found that you are quite courageous." Lian Jue leaned in front of her boyfriend and said.

Shen Wu took off his mask and drank calmly.

Lian Jue: "..."


Is this the charm of the top class?
"What if the fans find out later?"

"You think I can't control the field?"

Lian Jue was very tactful: "Don't dare."

Also, as long as the gate is closed, a stampede will still happen.

Lian Jue has never seen his ability to control the field, but she has seen Shen Wu challenge the boss in the company, it is really handsome, and it is estimated that he is the world in front of the fans.

That's right, for a genius boyfriend like Shen Wu, it seems that there is really nothing that can stump him.

The movie begins.

The little girls who were still chattering about how many abdominal muscles their idols had looked at the big screen in silence one by one.

Stay focused.

in Apple pie order.

Before the theme song finished playing, Lian Jue leaned into Shen Wu's ear and whispered: "The Legion of Women, the reputation is well-deserved."

"Of course." He raised his eyebrows, looking like an emperor with countless concubines, "My sister Wutong didn't just talk about it casually."

"Pride makes people fall behind." Lian Jue refused to accept.

"It's started." Junyan hissed with his long finger on his lips, his phoenix eyes raised slightly, "Sister Wutong behind her is already preparing the words to scold us."

The girl shut up immediately.

The movie theater returned to silence.

Everyone looked at the screen intently.

Sister Wutong's quality is terrifying.

Lian Jue has seen the original film, and she also watched the whole filming process. Shen Wu's script has been read by her several times, so the plot in the film is very familiar, and she will not be so moved when watching it again. .

But the rest of the audience at the scene were different. The audience had never seen it, and it was the first time.

When it came to the climax, Lian Jue sobbed softly after hearing it.


She looked back.

Almost half the sobbing sounded in the cinema.

She looked at Shen Wu again.

Shen Wu stared at the big screen with focused eyes, as if he had never watched this movie at all.

Lian Jue was embarrassed to disturb him, and looked around to observe the audience's reaction.

In addition to Sister Wutong, there were also some ordinary spectators at the scene.

Compared to Shen Wu's fans, their reactions are the most valuable.

I don't know if it's because Shen Wu's personal assistant has done too much, but Lian Jue has cultivated a lot of habits.

For example now - collect market feedback.

Although she is not mainly engaged in this aspect, she can also provide some reference value when the technicians analyze.

At the end of a movie, the ending song after the easter egg was over, and when the brand began to thank the movie theater, the talents of the movie theater began to disperse one after another.

The Shen Wu fans and others who came to check in all finished walking, and immediately formed a group, taking various photos and recording videos of support from various districts.

Lian Jue and Shen Wu sat behind and watched for a while before leaving.

"Big star," the girl said with emotion, "It's great, so many people like you."

The corners of Shen Wu's lips curled up slightly, and when he walked near the villa, he took off his mask, "I'm very lucky to have so many fans, but to tell you the truth, I hope to be favored by someone alone."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Satisfy you," the girl took his hand and moved forward quickly, arrogantly, "Go home and celebrate the new movie Barley! By the way, I will give you the only favorite you want!"


Before the cake, Shen Wu closed his eyes and made a wish.

"You will always be by my side from now on."


(End of this chapter)

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