Chapter 1333 Ah Huai's Orange 3
Lin Huai shook his head and gave a low laugh, "I don't believe in introductions, I only believe in fate. I am destined to have a queen appear, it's just a matter of time."

Qi Feng: "..."

He gave a thumbs up, "Others want a princess, you want a queen, bull."

Lin Huai closed his eyes and put his hands behind his head. He didn't know if he was talking nonsense, but he sighed softly, "That year she entrusted me with a dream and told me not to fall in love when I went to college. , otherwise she will not give me good fruit to eat."

Qi Feng: "..."

If I really believed it just now, now I feel that I was an idiot last second.

Qi Feng didn't want to have any more communication with this lunatic, "Aren't you going home this week? Go back and clean up the mess in your house."

Lin Huai didn't speak any more.

His eyes are quiet.

Qi Feng was startled, and suddenly realized that he had stabbed a restricted area.

Those messy things in the other party's house...

He carefully glanced at the man's face, and he was slightly relieved when he found out that he was okay, "Is your father okay? Has he... hit you recently?"

The young man in the midday sun had a quiet and handsome profile, his long eyelashes drooping down, and he rolled up his sleeves without saying anything.

Several criss-cross blue marks were exposed on the white and slender arms.

Pretty scary.

Qi Feng, who has seen many wounds since he was a child, has mixed feelings in his heart, "Your father is really... you are not angry if you don't beat you to death?"

He sighed, "Every family has their own scriptures that are hard to recite."

He comforted him and said, "Forget it, think about it from another angle. At least your father is rich. It would be even worse if there is a poor father with domestic violence. Now your father is at least a rich man who can provide you with money." The best educational resource...”

"After you are completely independent, he won't have this chance to hit you." Qi Feng patted the young man's shoulder reassuringly.

Lin Huai just smiled lightly, "Fate is really fair."


A crisp, peaceful, and heart-pounding voice sounded.

All the boys looked over in unison.

Eyes lit up like hungry wolves.

Mainly—whose family's junior sister is this?The voice is so nice, my god, how does it look like?
A handsome figure appeared in the sight of several people.

"Brother, can you leave a contact information? I think you look like my future boyfriend."

A group of boys: "..."

When she saw who the girl was talking to, she said: "..."

Eyeballs are about to fall off, especially Qi Feng.

Although I don't understand the specific situation, my junior sister dares to say earthy love words to the god of the world who rejects people...have courage!
A group of boys were afraid that the girls would be embarrassed when they were rejected, so some looked up at the sky, and some looked down at the ground.

In fact, all the ears are pricked up.


Lin Huai hooked the corner of his lower lip, and his handsome and sunny face turned slightly sideways, "Junior Sister, are you from the new computer department this year?"

Lian Jue nodded, "En."

The route she took this time was cool and sassy. The camouflage military trousers were tied into the boots, outlining the slender ankles and calves, and the hair on the forehead fell down, making her face even more white.There is also a bit of elegant fairy temperament in the coolness.

Lin Huai didn't know why, but when he looked at the person in front of him, he had an inexplicable desire to raise the corners of his mouth.

Maybe it's because even a straight guy thinks it's a little cute.

"Sorry, I'm busy with my studies, and I have no plans to have a girlfriend right now."

He tried his best to think about his words, and said it nicely and euphemistically.

(End of this chapter)

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