Chapter 1336 Ah Huai's Orange 6
"You also said that it was so dark, and she recognized me?"

Lin Huai felt strange, "Also, do I recognize her as my mother? I came out of her belly? It's a bit inappropriate to call her a mother. My mother will be so angry if she finds out. Next time, please tell me directly. How about Auntie?"

"Otherwise you should say I'm rude."


Lin Donghua clutched his forehead and was so angry that he said, "I don't care about the past, if you do such a shameful thing again in the future, don't blame me for explaining what you did here to your grandfather. Is grandpa still protecting you! Shame on you..."

"Also, pay attention to the influence of yourself at school, don't trouble your mother... your stepmother, keep a distance, and don't let others misunderstand."

Lin Huai snorted, "How dare I talk to her, what's your name? Senior sister or auntie? Other students should not be scared to death when they hear it."

The conversation ended with Lin Donghua half dead in anger.

Lin Huai walked upstairs leisurely.

Seeing that Lin Donghua was unhappy, he was very happy.

If it weren't for his grandfather's insistence on letting him come and do an internship in Lin Donghua's company, it would be impossible for him to squat here every day to be angry, and leave early.

Thanks to Mr. Lin for donating an essence to him back then. He couldn't fight back when he beat him, but he cursed back. He just took this opportunity to pay back what should be paid back. No one owes anyone when the time comes.

Lin Huai deftly found an ice pack and covered his face, then sat on a chair and closed his eyes to rest.

He is used to turning on the temperature of the air conditioner to a very low temperature. When the air is cold, his heart is easy to calm down.

With eyes closed, a handsome face suddenly appeared in my mind.

"I think senior, you look like my future boyfriend."

Lin Huai raised the corners of his lips.

When did he become the appearance of a national boyfriend?

This elementary school girl is quite courageous, and she looks quite smart.

in love……

Lin Huai lay back and spread out on the bed.

I never really thought about it before, but...

Having witnessed so many unfortunate marriages since he was a child, he probably doesn't know how to fall in love.

It's just a waste of time for other girls...

Besides, it's better to be alone, girls are very delicate, and it will be hard to follow him.


"Have you been beaten again?"

Lu Ming looked at the bruises on his brother's face, and took a deep breath, "Your father is ruthless enough to attack."

Lu Ming turned over an ice pack, "Use it first, the swelling is not light, and it didn't go away overnight?"

Lin Huai lowered his head and hummed.

A big boy in the clothes of One Piece held his shoulders, and he couldn't stand it any longer, "Why do you say you are living in the dormitory, so why don't you go home on weekends? You can either scold you, or put the blame on you, whose child is treated like this by his parents."

"And Liang Wei..." Lu Ming sighed, with an indescribable expression, "What the hell is going on, if I were you, I would be pissed off, wouldn't it be that we went to your house to have BBQ together back then? Just meeting your dad will make you look right? Damn, I doubt how I hooked up..."

"And you said she can't chase you? In the future, everything about your father will be yours..."

"I really can't figure it out."

"Okay, stop talking." Another roommate said with warning eyes.

Only then did Lu Ming stop talking, and carefully glanced at Lin Huai, only to be relieved when he found that his expression hadn't changed.

"Hey," the boy in One Piece's clothes pointed to one side, and suddenly said, "Isn't that the girl who asked Lin Huai for contact information yesterday?"

(End of this chapter)

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