Chapter 1343 Ah Huai's Orange 13
Lin Donghua was furious: "I can't mention your mother? Why can't I mention your mother? If it wasn't because you forgot to bring something back to pick it up, your mother would have come back with you? If it wasn't because of you, your mother would never have found out about those things! She didn't I won’t die of anger! I’ve already hugged my son!!”

Lin Huai laughed angrily.

He found that the way of thinking of scum is really incomprehensible in ordinary people's way.

So he never thought it was wrong for him to cheat. The only thing he felt guilty about was being seen by his pregnant wife.

Lin Huai felt that if his mother was still underground and hadn't been reincarnated, she would definitely sit up from the coffin in anger.

"You called me just to talk about the past? If you're talking about the past, then there's nothing to talk about. After all, we have different moral standards, and we don't have a common language across species."

Lin Donghua felt that he was about to have a heart attack.

The topic went back and forth.

"What did you say? How dare you scold your old man? You made Lin Huai daring after eating the bear's heart? Who raised you and who gave you the money? Without your father, would you live such a chic young master's life now? "

Lin Huai smiled.

Up to now, he doesn't even know his phone number, bank card account, and can't remember since he was a child, and the person who never gave him a penny actually asks who raised him.

It's really fun.

"Lin Donghua, if you want to save face, you won't only have [-]% of the assets of the Lin family enterprise in your hands."


After saying this, Lin Huai hung up the phone directly.

Sometimes I feel that Lin Donghua might as well beat him to death. Every day he lives, he sees how embarrassing his father is.

After hanging up the phone, Lin Huai went back to the dormitory to pack up his things, and left the campus with a bag on his back.

He rented a house with two bedrooms and one living room around the school.

Although living in the school is also very good, but on Saturdays and Sundays, I still get used to a quieter place.

Lin Huai usually gets up early, and his roommates are different. They have to sleep in on weekends. Washing in the dormitory will always affect others. Renting a house outside is also convenient for some when it is too late to go back to school.

The rented place is a small building with a garden, divided into the first floor and the second floor.

Lin Huai rented the second floor, and he prefers a place with a wide view.

The small building is at the corner of the box directly opposite the school, not too far away, just right.

The decoration of the yard is fresh and pleasant, and it has a taste of a garden in the city. Some tall and low green plants are planted, which is pleasing to the eye.

The first floor seems to be inhabited. There is a small wooden sign of Do Not Disturb on the door, and there is a stool in the shape of a baby elephant at the door.

Lin Huai glanced at it, lowered his head and took out the landlord's key from his schoolbag.


The door was pushed open, and a slender figure came out carrying a bag of things.

Lin Huai slowly raised his head.

The line of sight freezes.

He raised his eyebrows, "Sister?"

"...Senior Lin?"

The girl didn't seem to have expected it either. After seeing the person clearly, she paused, holding the trash for a moment.

Lin Huai noticed that she was wearing home clothes, shorts and short sleeves, revealing her fair and slender arms and calves, her face was facing the sky, without any modification.

The big bag in his hand is probably garbage, wrapped in a black bag, and there are traces of life everywhere.

The girl looked up at the roof of the building, and then at the handsome face in the T-shirt and trousers in front of her, "Senior, you... live here?"


"...I didn't expect such a coincidence."

Lian Jue rubbed his nose, felt something was wrong, and asked the system in a low voice: "Have you got points to open the cheat?"

System: "No."

(End of this chapter)

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