Chapter 1354 Ah Huai's Orange 24
Zhao Zijing was in a daze: "Since when did you and Lin Huai have such a good relationship? The senior even gave you a cake?"

"What's the matter, we slept under the same roof last night, and he is next door to me."

Zhao Zijing: "..."

Wang Jiajia: "..."

Shi Wu: "..."

"What did you say? Under the same roof? Next door?!"

Lian Jue looked at the three people who looked like they had been struck by lightning, and kindly explained what happened.

"Actually, there was a power outage at his house. On Sunday night, there were no hotels with vacant rooms, so I packed up my brother's room for him to live in, and then I sent a cake to express my thanks."

The logic is clear, the details are real, and the organization is clear.

Zhao Zijing nodded subconsciously, "It sounds like this story is quite reasonable..."

"Wait no, you invited him to live in your house? Why did he send you a cake? Isn't this the plot of "The Domineering God Falls in Love with Me" I just watched the day before yesterday?"

Wang Jiajia expressed his inner thoughts: "Although it is reasonable, why is it so unbelievable to put it on Senior Lin Huai?"

The girl hummed, "This only shows that you usually hold senior Lin Huai too high. He is just an ordinary person, but you deified him. Isn't it normal for an ordinary boy to buy a cake to express his gratitude? A bouquet of flowers isn't really weird."

"What you said makes sense, but this is not the reason why Lin Huai is an ordinary person."

"That's right, senior Lin Huai yyds, senior Lin Huai is not an ordinary person, okay?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Zhao Zijing turned her attention back to the cake, and said with emotion: "I didn't expect that the upstairs is a neighbor, and the school is a senior. If you have something to live with, you can buy cakes if you have nothing to do."

"Chu Chengzi, I always feel that you are going to fall in love with your senior soon."

"It's impossible to say."

Zhao Zijing ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah ah: "You actually have such thoughts Chu Chengzi! You really miss your senior!"

The girl had a natural look on her face: "Why can't I miss the senior so handsome? Don't you also secretly miss it?"

Zhao Zijing: "..."

With tears in her eyes, she sent her blessings, "Since you really love each other, then I can only agree. After all, I am not a feudal parent. I just ask that when the time comes..."

"Give me an intimate signed photo of Lin Huai's abs, wow!"

Lian Jue: "..."

Wang Jiajia: "...Do you need an assist?"

Wang Jiajia was thoughtful: "I figured it out, male gods want to fall in love after all, instead of watching seniors fall in love with other goblins who don't know where they come from, why don't our dormitories grab this good job by ourselves... ..."

Shi Wu suddenly called out and reminded: "Everyone, look at the school forum. Someone posted a post about Senior Lin Huai and Cheng Cheng..."

A few people immediately took their mobile phones, and those who turned on their computers turned on their computers.

"The love affair of a well-known figure in the school is exposed, and the other party is actually a little-known direct primary school girl..."

"Fuck, what is this?"

"Cheng Zi, did Lin Huai send you downstairs to the girls' dormitory tonight? Someone has photographed the downstairs of your school!"

"It's so ugly. Now there are a lot of people saying that the woman's looks are not worthy of her stature, her status, her grades, her grades..."

"Isn't that unreasonable?" Zhao Zijing was angry, "The sky is so dark that the face can't be seen clearly, and the picture is taken like this to say that the appearance is low, and the brain is fine, right?"

 Don’t read the two chapters later, I will change it later, I slept until after ten o’clock and woke up, and no one called me, I was dumbfounded, you see, the days without leave notes are always full of surprises
(End of this chapter)

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