Chapter 1356 Ah Huai's Orange 26
They were all students of the computer department, and several boys had already formed a group, staring at the computer, and there was a burst of shit.

Lu Ming: "This is a bit too much, isn't it? The mobile phone number is given out by others, the girls nowadays are so cruel... Elementary school girls are very cute, so what about falling in love, it's none of these people's business, why are you so malicious? so deep..."

Mu Chen: "It's a crime to divulge other people's privacy! Do these people understand the law, are they college students?"

Big Bear turned his head and said, "Lin Huai, look at what your idiot fans say about the little girl?"

Only after looking at it did he realize that the other party's expression was not right.

Junyan said calmly, "Remember these IDs."


"Come to live, awesome."

"What are you going to do? Hack her computer? Or steal her information? Or hang her on the forum?"

Several boys from the computer department were instantly excited, their eyes lit up, and they took out their own guys from the cabinet and turned them on.

"To actually bully our group favorite friend Huaihuai, can this be tolerated? Can't bear it!"

"By the way, Huaihuai, is it a girlfriend? You have to give us a psychological precaution. We need to know if this is helping your female friend or your girlfriend." Lu Ming was still more interested in eating melons. Interested, curious big eyes sparkling.

After being glanced at by Lin Huai, Lu Ming: "..."

He coughed, turned away, and focused on his computer.


If you want to chase, you just want to chase, and if you talk about what's wrong, you won't share it.

Lin Huai took out his computer from the cabinet.

Click on the school forum and browse all the existing posts.

For a while, there was no voice in the dormitory, only the crackling sound of keyboard tapping.

A few people were concentrating on poaching people, while Lin Huai was examining those posts one by one, Qing Jun frowned.

The more I look at him, the more I feel...

I don't know what the primary school girl feels when she looks at these things.

Lin Huai sent a WeChat message to the elementary school girl.

"have you slept?"

After a pause, he sent another one.

"I'm sorry about what happened tonight. I didn't think carefully and caused you trouble."

No one replied for a long time.

Lin Huai glanced at the time, it was ten o'clock at night.

This point is not like her sleeping time.

That is... I saw it, but I don’t want to go back?

It was the first time for Lin Huai to think about the girl's mind, and he was a little worried, and a little inexplicable feeling churned in his heart.

In case you are really angry...

"Huaihuai! I found it. Those who took the lead in making troubles are all the ministers of the student union. I don't know if you still remember the love letter I sent you before. Good guy, it's because of love and hatred."

"Huai, the worst anonymous posters have also been found. They are not from our department. Tell me, what do you want to do? Blackmail? Steal? How do you come to vent your anger on our cute elementary school girl?"

Lin Huai put down the phone: "You play by yourself."

Lu Ming responded quickly, "Okay, no problem."

Mu Chen held a lollipop in his mouth, and said in a vague voice, "We're here to avenge you, and you go to comfort the primary school girl."

"...She won't answer me."


Mu Chen pulled down the lollipop.

Lu Ming also stopped typing on the keyboard and fell into deep thought: "I won't reply to you? Could it be that you are angry?"

Da Xiong rubbed his eyes: "It shouldn't be, it's not Huaihuai's post on the forum."

Mu Chen groaned: "What do you know, it's not because of Lin Huai, but it is because of Lin Huai that you will be scolded. Girls are more emotional. This is very normal, just coax them."

Since he started chasing girls, he has claimed the title of a woman's friend.

(End of this chapter)

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