Chapter 1369 Ah Huai's Orange 39
"They are all quite safe, by the way, how about you, senior?"

"I contacted my roommates this morning, and they are all on campus, safe and sound."

"That's good."

"What are you doing today..." After dinner, the girl strolled in the living room with a spare cloth.

In this situation, I can't go back to school, let alone go back to school, it is difficult to go downstairs to get something now.

Moreover, the stagnant water is completely different from yesterday's water flow. Yesterday was at least clear, it was rain from the sky, but now the water is muddy and dirty, it is the flood from the river bursting its embankment.

It is best not to wade in the water easily.

They are now trapped in the small building with a certainty.

But fortunately, compared to people in other dangerous situations, they are relatively rich in supplies, and there is nothing missing for food and use at home.

Even cell phones have power.

Many people in City A on the Internet mentioned that their mobile phones were about to run out of battery when they reported that they were safe.

However, electricity should not be wasted. All we can do now is to wait for the firefighters to come.

The latest news released on the city's official website shows that due to the heavy rain, the river broke its embankment last night and caused a lot of water in the urban area.

It was the river on which A University was backed.

And starting from the school is a relatively low-lying place, so it is also the place where the water is most serious.

Fortunately, among the misfortunes, no major casualties occurred for the time being.

Everyone is still very safe.

After a while, probably seeing her message in the group, Zhao Zijing called.


The voice on the phone was intermittent, Lian Jue walked to a place with better signal, "What's wrong?"

"I just want to ask if there is anything you are short of right now? The school said that it will rain for several days. In this situation, you will definitely not be able to attend class and leave the house. All the supplies in the supermarket downstairs have been sold out. Fortunately, we The dormitory got up early and snapped up a lot.”

"Do you have enough food and drink?"

Lian Jue comforted: "Don't worry, don't you know the things I usually stock up at home, let alone a few days or a week, it's probably fine."

The only pity now is that when I went downstairs last night, I forgot to ask Lin Huai to bring some fruits from her refrigerator.

At that time, I thought it was too heavy, and I was afraid of such a heavy rain, so I didn't bother Lin Huai to take it.

But it's a pity to think about it now.

When the water level goes down and you can go downstairs to get things, the fruit will probably be broken.

The refrigerator had no electricity at all.

The situation on both sides is quite good, Zhao Zijing relaxed, and started to joke when he thought of something, "Together with senior Lin Huai ~ under the same roof ~ male unmarried and female unmarried ~"

Lian Jue: "..."

Just now when he walked to Lin Huai's side, what a coincidence, Zhao Zijing's words were extremely high-pitched.

She wasn't sure he heard it.

Lin Huai's face was pale, Lian Jue shifted his gaze suspiciously, paused for a few seconds, and then looked over.

It was found that the other party slightly raised the corners of his lips.


Sure enough, I still heard it!

The girl coughed, "Jingjing, I understand what you mean, you can't flush the toilet now, right? It's okay, the public toilet can solve it, just bear with it for a few days..."

Zhao Zijing: "..."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Huai looked up at her.

Lian Jue paused, and approached him nonchalantly to see what he was doing.

The slender fingers clicked and bought five traffic packages.


Lin Huai raised his lips and turned on the hotspot, "It's convenient, it should be enough for both of us."

Lian Jue clasped his hands together: "Thank you."

Rich, brains, physical strength, and good looks.

In her previous life, she must have saved the universe in order to become a natural disaster partner with Lin Huai in this life.

(End of this chapter)

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