Chapter 1399 Ah Huai's Orange 69
A WeChat message from Lin Huai just happened to come from the phone.

"Rest early, don't play too late."

Lian Jue replied perfunctorily, and climbed into bed after brushing his teeth.

Ready to chat again.

"Chucheng, go to bed early."

Lian Jue: "Huh?"

The three of them turned their phone screens to face her at the same time, "Here, see for yourself."

On the screen, in the chat group, the familiar profile picture of the boy flashed.

The chat logs are there.

Lian Jue: "..."

She snatched Zhao Zijing's phone and looked at the screen in disbelief, "Why did Lin Huai send messages in our group? When did Lin Huai enter our dormitory group?"

It turned out that the message about going to bed early was not sent privately, but by Lin Huai in the dormitory group.

No wonder she felt weird when she replied to the message just now.

Lin Huai also loved her.

At the same time, the group news vibrated again.

Once upon a time there was a Magic Fairy Castle (5) [Lin Huai]: "I'll call you at seven o'clock tomorrow morning@楚树"

Once upon a time there was a Magic Fairy Castle (5) [Lin Huai]: "Bring you breakfast@楚树"

Zhao Zijing let out a wail: "Why on earth are we seeking our own death, self-torturing and killing each other... Did Senior Lin Huai be brought in just to eat dog food? It's all right now, dog food slapped me coldly on the face .”

Wang Jiajia was also silent for a moment, and said dumbly: "You did it, not me, ask yourself."

The always well-behaved cutie Shi Wu also calmed down and said, "Can we kick him out?"


Zhao Zijing said aggrievedly: "Isn't it because senior Lin Huai is too scary, I was intimidated by him for a while, and I don't know what happened, so I dragged him in..."

Wang Jiajia exposed her mercilessly, "Obviously, as soon as he opened his mouth, you opened your phone very obediently and opened the WeChat group, and then pulled him in without hesitation, okay?"

Lian Jue suggested: "Why don't you bring in Senior Mu Chen as well?"




Shi Wu shook her head, "No, he wouldn't be willing to do this, only senior Lin Huai would do such a thing."

3 minute later.

Once upon a time there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Mu Chen]: "Hello, everyone, I heard that there is a group here, and I'm coming in too, sisters~"

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Mu Chen] sent four bottles of Bing Kuo Luo.

Group message: Once upon a time there was a fairy castle (6) [Mu Chen] sent four roses.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Mu Chen] who gave four bowls of seafood instant noodles.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Mu Chen] sent four silver dollars.

Everyone received their own gifts, feeling complicated.

After 2 minutes.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Lin Huai] sent four launch rockets.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Lin Huai] sent four launch rockets.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Lin Huai] sent four launch rockets.

Group news: Once upon a time, there was a magic fairy castle (6) [Lin Huai] sent four launch rockets.

Once upon a time, there was a Magic Fairy Castle (6) [Mu Chen]: "I rely too much on this, Lin Huai, you actually imitated me, and bought the most expensive rocket!"

Once upon a time there was a magic castle (6) [Black Demon Fairy Yan Lili——Zhao Zijing]: "Senior, you took my share of the rocket..."

Mu Chen disappeared.

When Lin Huai was brushing out the presents, Zhao Zijing looked over and sighed.

(End of this chapter)

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