Chapter 1428 Ah Huai's Orange 98
The matter of meeting parents had no choice but to end first.

Because it was a holiday, Lian Jue got the news from his parents that the two of them went to Hainan to live a two-person world, and directly abandoned her as a daughter.

She said it was so strange, since the vacation, no one in the family asked her when she would go home.

Dare to love my daughter.

The plan to meet the parents was so delayed.

Lin's Group is some distance away from the school, but not far from the library. Lin Huai directly asked for a furnished house in the staff building near Lin's.

When moving in, Lian Jue was curious, "How can you be assigned such a good housing condition as a security guard?"

"Isn't it appropriate? If others find out, what do you make other security guards think?"

Lin Huai didn't change his face, and brought her suitcase in, "Is the coder OK?"

"Okay, code farmer, code farmer. What do you make other code farmers think?"

"It's not because of someone. If it's just me, why don't we live here? The security booth downstairs is enough to sleep." Lin Huai said coolly.

"When I went to apply for a house," he explained, "Grandpa originally said that it would be fine to get a one-bedroom, one-living room, but then I thought about it and asked if you would go back during the holidays, so I said yes, and then the next day I I got the keys to this [-]-square-meter house.”

"Sure enough, I still have a lot of face." She sighed, and stretched out her hand: "Here, give me the salary card."


"Well, what, you depend on me for living in such a good room, okay, I didn't even charge you for the room fee, and I kept the salary card with me for safekeeping, so I won't let you swallow it."

He took a few steps forward, his phoenix eyes drooped slightly, and his voice was low: "I've started to meddle so soon..."

The voice is faintly ambiguous and seductive.

"It's not that I don't have one, I'm just...your landlord."

He took another step closer, resting his hands on the wall behind the girl.

His voice was a little softer, "Miss Landlord, do you want to sleep with me?"

"You only get a salary card when you sleep with me."

The girl lowered her head and fiddled for a while, then raised her phone, "I've already recorded your words, I advise you to hurry up, or I'll send the recording to grandpa!"

Not only did Lin Huai not panic, but he raised his eyebrows and coaxed: "Fuck you, do you know how much grandpa wants to have a great-grandson?"

"Grandpa might be very happy when he heard the recording."

"...Liar, you are still a college student." Lian Jue couldn't believe that this was Grandpa Lin's idea.

Lin Huai didn't care, "Grandpa had a child when he was 20 years old. He urged me to find a girlfriend when I first entered college. If he knew that I haven't slept with a girlfriend yet, he would think it's incredible."

Seeing that the girl's three views were shattered, Lin Huai said in a remedial way, "Of course, the times have changed now, and now grandpa must be towards you."

"Okay, okay, here, hand in your salary card, and you're just a tigress if you're not married, what will you do in the future..."

Anyway, the most important thing is to get it.

Holding the thin card, Lian Jue couldn't help asking, "Lin Huai, how much is the security guard's salary per month?"

"Six thousand." After he finished speaking, he clicked his tongue and stared at her, "I said Ma Nong."

"Is Lin's starting salary so high?"

"Why, do you want to do cleaning to earn extra money?"

"Is it okay? If not, I can do it as a security guard."

"You can go to the front desk."

"How much is the front desk?"

"A little more than the security guard, five thousand."

Thinking of something, Lin Huai frowned again, "Forget it, the front desk... must wear black silk, no."

(End of this chapter)

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