Chapter 1430 Ah Huai's Orange 100
Lian Jue ordered two servings of crayfish noodles, and another serving of his favorite seaweed soup for Lin Huai. When he looked up again, Lin Huai had already fallen asleep.

He's been really tired lately.

So tired that even Jue consciously did all the housework before he came home.

This child usually has good skin, but recently he has dark circles under his eyes.

The bridge of the nose is still the same, but the complexion is a bit gray.

Working overtime for several days in a row, this is just the life of the grassroots. Wouldn't it be busier to wait for the real position of standing above ten thousand people in the future?

Lian Jue felt that Grandpa Lin's move was not only to make him familiar with the operation and operation of the entire Lin Group, but also to let her adapt to Lin Huai's future life in advance.

He will be really busy in the future.

Not to mention doing housework, it may be a luxury to take time out to eat with her.

Lian Jue gently touched his face.

The skin is a little cool.

She got up and turned up the temperature of the air conditioner.

After a while, the takeaway was delivered.

Lin Huai was still in a deep sleep.

Although Lian Jue didn't want to disturb him and wanted him to sleep well, he still had to eat.

In the end, he ruthlessly called people up.

The voice was very soft, "Lin Huai? Lin Huai?"

The young man slightly opened his phoenix eyes, "Yes."

"Have you eaten?" He rubbed his eyes and straightened up from the sofa, because he only saw his girlfriend, and he took off his defenses, like an obedient puppy.

Lian Jue thought it was cute and squeezed her face.

"Are you going home for the Chinese New Year?"

He looked a little clearer, opened the takeaway box, and glanced at her: "What about you?"

"I don't have anyone at home. If I go back... maybe go to Chu Lian's house."

Her mother and her father were really cruel, and they would not come back if they said they would not come back, leaving her here alone.

Fortunately, I have greeted Chu Lian's family, otherwise it would be a pity if I was alone at home.

Lin Huai didn't hesitate much, "You come back with me during the Chinese New Year."


"Well, sooner or later, it's just one step ahead, besides, grandpa misses you too."

And this kind of operation...

Although Lian Jue doesn't want to be alone at home, after all, he has long been used to the warmth and care of the world.

"Do you have a lot of family members? It's Chinese New Year."

"Many," Lin Huai put down his chopsticks, "but if you don't want to see him, I can also make you not see him. I still have the ability to hide in the golden house."

Oh hoo?

So the plan to go back to Lin's house for the new year and take the opportunity to hide in the golden house was finalized.

Seven or eight days before the New Year's Eve, Lian Jue visited Lin Huai's company, the Lin Group.

Today is Lin Huai's birthday.

Lian Jue asked him what birthday gift he wanted the day before, and he said that he wanted her to make him a lunch box and deliver it to the company by hand.

Said that they have lived together for so long and have never tasted the handicraft of a girlfriend, and the only wish is to be fulfilled on their birthday.

The bento was not difficult, and Lian Jue made it to fulfill his wish.

But she was very surprised why she had to deliver it in person, and asked if it could not be delivered by a rider. She wanted to watch TV at home.

Lin Huai was speechless at the other party's incomprehensible style.

Celebrating his birthday is one, and the other is to help him harvest the wild flowers and weeds in the office.

He misses his peaceful days at school.

The woman outside...was too wild.

It's not the same style as the elementary school girls in the school.

The Lin Group is a little different from what Lian Jue imagined.

Much taller.

Standing downstairs, just looking at it feels like looking up at something extraordinary.

(End of this chapter)

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