Chapter 1446 Ah Huai's Orange 116
There is no such thing as slander.

And out of a natural sense of danger, the system felt a little tense for no reason...

Lin Huai narrowed his eyes and looked down at people.

"More important than me?"

"Of course," she pointed to his nose, "I don't have a thousand men like you, but I have five hundred."

Lin Huai: "..."


It couldn't listen anymore, and it wanted to use a method to block the host's mouth.

Lin Huai lowered his head and leaned over, "I'll give you another chance. Say it again. What did you just say? One thousand? Five hundred? Where are there so many wild men?"

"Chu Chengzi, huh?"

There was a hint of threat in his tone.

Lian Jue remained motionless.

She had fallen asleep.

Lin Huai shook her face expressionlessly.

Do not move.

Keep shaking.

no response.

Keep shaking.

"Chu Cheng?"

Finally, the little girl lost her drowsiness and couldn't pretend anymore. She forgot what she said and sat up with a plop, "You are so annoying! Why are you so annoying? Why do I have a boyfriend who is so annoying to you? You change your name It's annoying."

Lin Huai sat down beside her, and leisurely folded his hands, "That's not okay, my grandpa might break my leg."

He held the girl's ears, with a faint smile on his face, but his tone was merciless, "Give me an explanation first, otherwise... don't sleep tonight, let's talk about life."


"Who wants to talk to you about life..."

"Be clear, who is the system, and who are those hundreds and thousands of men." Lin Huai felt that he was quite calm.

"Ah? System? Who is the system? Who is the man? Who said, hundreds?" She yawned, as if she had lost her memory.


It had an urge to strangle the woman.

There was no sound from the side, and she fell asleep in a chaotic state after yawning.

Then woke up by urinating.

Maybe it's from drinking too much alcohol.

Opening his eyes and struggling to get up from the bed, Lian Jue was about to crawl to the door.

Her hand trembled, and the hand holding the doorknob almost slipped off.

——A dark figure sat in front of the window sill not far away, facing the moonlight... Hearing the movement, the black figure moved.

Turn around and look over.

"Lin Huai??"

"What are you doing if you don't sleep in the middle of the night?" Lian Jue's scalp was numb, "You are sitting here alone..."

Heiying stood up and walked to her side, indifferent and ruthless, "I'm thinking about where are those hundreds and thousands of men."


Lian Jue, who had a good night's sleep, became sober in her mind. Recalling everything that happened, she twitched the corners of her mouth in embarrassment, "Then what, I might be talking nonsense, you understand?"

"I don't understand." He lowered his head in depression.

Lian Jue had no choice but to bear the urge to urinate and walked over, "Lin Huai, I don't think you should think so much... Who is not drunk, who can't talk nonsense when drunk, you say so."

I can't hold it anymore.

She turned around with difficulty, and turned back: "I'll tell you when I come back that I'm going to the bathroom first..."

Lin Huai locked her wrist.

She was stunned.

The outstretched feet forgot to take a step.

Lin Huai whispered: "You explain first, and I will naturally consider letting you go to the toilet after the explanation is clear."

Lian Jue: "..."

Let me explain a wool!
can i tell the truth


Lian Jue was so full that her bladder was about to burst, she tried to inhale and exhale, "It's just a daydream, it's unrealistic, there's no such thing at all..."

(End of this chapter)

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