Chapter 1452 Ah Huai's Orange 122
The time to start school is happy.

Back to 313, I went to class, played cards, went shopping with my roommates every day, bought a cup of milk tea for my boyfriend when I had nothing to do, and lived a comfortable life.

Zhao Zijing was very curious about what happened during the summer vacation, and with a heart of gossip, she asked sincerely: "How was your summer vacation? Hey, did you go further with Senior Lin Huai?"

Wang Jiajia, who was eating spicy sticks at the side, said, "For sure, the window paper hadn't been pierced before, but now the paper has been pierced, and the parents of both parties have admitted that what should be developed must have developed."

Shi Wu's ears were red, and she whispered: "It turns out that you are progressing so fast..."

Lian Jue: "??!"

She hasn't spoken yet, it's not like that at all, okay?

Pure rumor!

"Lin Huai and I are in platonic love." The girl was serious.

"Yo~~" dragged on the word yo a thousand times, revealing the unanimous disbelief of the school girls towards the seniors: "Senior Lin Huai is a vegetarian?? You are too dishonest."

"...Really." However, she didn't quite believe it herself.

Lin Huai is really a gentleman.

Wait, is this... for real?

Or was she imagining it herself?

For a moment, even Jue himself became suspicious.

No, no, you can't be distracted from the rhythm.

Lian Jue counted with his fingers, "We've been together for half a month, in fact, we only hold hands a few times, and there are fewer kisses, not so exaggerated..."

"Okay, stop talking, I know you're embarrassed, I didn't expect you to see each other in front of the sisters, hehehe..."


Lian Jue gave up.

It is impossible to communicate.

She tried her best, Lin Huai, how beastly are you in the eyes of others...

After the new year, Lin Huai's internship is over, and the first semester is very loose, except for the graduating class, which means that he has a lot of time.

People who are in love have a sour smell all over their bodies.

One day, coincidentally, he and Mu Chen were isolated in the 502 dormitory at the same time.

The reason was that Big Fatty Da Xiong felt that he was discriminated against, and he must be discriminated against as the only one in the dormitory without a girlfriend, so he immediately pointed the finger at Lin Huai and Mu Chen, who were the most proud of themselves.

Lu Ming is always dumped by girls because of his promiscuity and inconsistency, and Da Xiong inexplicably has more favor points in Da Xiong's eyes.

Lin Huai and Mu Chen lay on their guns, and were punished with pen and mouth as agreed.

If you go to the bathroom slowly, you have to be told, if you go back to the dormitory later, you have to be told, if you eat delicious food, you have to be told, if you don’t make a sound when you eat, you have to be told...

However, the two of them didn't care at all.

Happily continue to leave early and return late, eat delicious food, and still seek comfort from my girlfriend.

After a while, after the two of them moved back to the student apartment, Lin Huai directly spoke to the little girl formally, asking her to come over to see the two of them from Monday to Friday in addition to Saturday and weekend.

Lian Jue didn't agree at first, but Lin Huai asked a few questions sincerely, and immediately subdued her in place.

1. Haven't you had enough school meals yet?I bought The Complete Works of New Oriental Cooking.

2. Doesn’t Miss Sister feel tired and hurt her hands when washing clothes?I wash, dry, sew, mend, and we are proficient in everything~

3. The bed is so cold in winter, doesn’t Miss Sister need a person with a good physique to warm the bed as a heater?I can provide my own carbon.

So Lian Jue gave up his dignity...and became the person he hated the most.

(End of this chapter)

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