Chapter 1462 Ah Huai's Orange 132
We usually don't spend much time together, except for the statutory holidays, and the two or three hours when we come back from get off work every night.

Now his wife is actually busier than himself. For the first time, Mr. Lin, who has always advocated letting go and opening up, began to wonder if he was too open.

Satisfied everyone, but neglected himself.

According to this rhythm, his wife won't run away with others, right?
Lin Huai, who came back from get off work early every day and stayed alone in the empty door, was not in a good mood. Anyone who saw it had to ask if the uncle had come.

Of course, he wasn't really angry or had unfounded suspicions, he was simply unhappy and needed to be coaxed.

I am busy with my career every day, does my career have his fragrance?

It's still the sweet period of the newlyweds.

Why don't you know how to spare time to be with him?

Lin Huai began to miss the period when he forced his wife to go to class. Although she was not happy and had no enthusiasm for class every day, at least the class time was much freer than now.

It's not like now, she looks like a strong woman, and she is busy flying up.

But Lin Huai was also very pleased.

He knew that she was not the kind of person who lived without goals. She was a little lazy in her usual life, but once she set a direction, her execution ability was obvious to all.


In the business field, many entrepreneurs are actually full of curiosity about Lin Huai, the young and handsome leader of the Lin family who has just taken office, and occasionally ask what Lin Huai's little wife does.

Everyone here knows that Lin Huai never takes his wife out to socialize, and has always been a charming woman in a golden house, very mysterious. Many people are very curious about this young married couple.

As for why Lin Huai got married so early, there are many rumors in the market. Some people say that it is because Lin Huai wants to inherit the family property as soon as possible, and getting married and having children is the only request made by Mr. Lin.

Some people say that it was because she was pregnant before marriage, and she had to marry as a last resort...

And it is said that Lin Huai is gay...

There are different opinions, but only a few Liao Liao have seen the new mistress of the Lin family.

Because I have never held a wedding, even if I have seen it, I have only seen it from a distance.

Lin Huai was asked this question once.

About my wife's occupation.

In the past, Lin Huai would say that he was studying art.

So everyone understands that rich wives are pretty much the same. They are idle at home and spend money on gilding and so on. In fact, they can’t learn much, they’re just killing time.

These people think and say the same thing. In the business world, men always belittle women for no reason. Lin Huai smiled on the surface, but in fact he didn't think so in his heart.

Although his wife is not willing to learn east and west, she is praised by the teacher for her talent when she graduates from each course.

Learning painting won the Newcomer Award in the Youth Creation Contest in City A. The teacher learning pottery was reluctant to let him go, and learning skiing was almost selected as a national team athlete...

She can always achieve something.

It is different from the so-called rich wife.

Lin Huai has always been proud of his wife.

But at the same time, he didn't want to share his happiness so quickly, and wanted to monopolize it all by himself.At the same time, classmate Chu Cheng was also blamed for being useless and ordinary for more than a year.

When someone asked again this time, Lin Huai smiled, "She's filming a TV series."

This is a small game, and everyone here is relatively young.

"Huh? Has my sister-in-law entered the showbiz? Became an artist?"

(End of this chapter)

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