Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 150 The Almighty King of the End Times 10

Chapter 150 The Almighty King of the End Times 10
He rolled his eyelids, and said in a flat tone, "I like strong ones, it'd be best if they can knock me down."

For the teacher's unnecessary worries, he has always been lazy and used to deal with things.

Professor Xu: "..."

He touched his nose, "Your request is a bit difficult."

Are the girls in the Chinese department not good?Wen Wen is quiet and gentle, just like his wife...

It didn't take long for him to realize that this kid was perfunctory again!How could he like a girl who beat him to the ground?He is playing him!
Professor Xu became more and more disbelieving, so he simply pointed out: "Well, it seems that your vision is very high, and I will not hide it from you. I have a niece who is also studying at Shanghai University. She is a freshman this year. Enrollment, from the English department, you find a time, the two of you go to meet."

"My niece is talented, humorous and funny, and has a lively and lovely personality. As for her appearance, even if she stands with you, she is not inferior. I can't guarantee that you will like it, but when we meet, don't talk to me. Unless you don't recognize me as a teacher today!"

Since you don't live up to it yourself, I will give you a push as a teacher.


Internally digesting this kind of thing, Professor Xu has actually been secretly thinking about it for a long time.

Anyway, Tu'er doesn't have a girlfriend, and his niece is so lively and cute. The two of them get together as a couple, kiss each other, and absorb the beloved disciple directly into their own home, and become a family. How wonderful!
That's right, this is the truth behind his subconscious attention to his apprentice's emotional life.

Luo Yun is really an apprentice that he values ​​very much. Whether it is character, ability, or calm personality, he likes it very tightly in his heart. It is a lie to say that he doesn't want to keep it. If he has a daughter, he probably doesn't know how much he has secretly arranged. time.

It's a matter of marriage, of course he won't force it, but what if it's even possible?
He was happy to see it happen.

Luo Yun didn't speak, her slightly drooping eyes showed obvious disinterest.

His white and slender hands under the cuffs of the black sweater, he took off his white coat, "Professor, I'm afraid your niece will have to make a trip for nothing."

Professor Xu almost vomited blood.

Haven't seen it yet, are you so sure? ? ?
Just when he was about to say "You scoundrel", a dignified and kind figure with a book bag came to the door.

Age looks about 50 years old, very bookish.

Luo Yun's voice was clear and deep: "Hello, Professor Du."

Professor Du smiled and said, "Okay, you are going to eat, right? Hurry up and go, don't listen to your master nagging here."

Luo Yun responded, and left with her schoolbag on her back.

Professor Xu was so angry that he almost had a heart attack, "Wait, hey! I haven't finished yet!"

"You have to meet me! Yes! Did you hear that?! You bastard..."

Professor Du covered her husband's mouth in time: "I heard everything I saw. Every day, I started talking nonsense again."

"Luo Yun is still young, what kind of girlfriend do you have? Study hard and solidify your basic skills. Isn't that what you said before?"

After imitating his tone, Professor Du sighed and persuaded, "Can't you see it? They don't have any girls they like, so it's useless to say more."

"This kind of thing is like a person who knows the temperature of drinking water, ah, you think it will be useful if you persuade it?"

"think too much."

"What's the rush? Besides, with your apprentice's looks, you really can't find a girlfriend if you really want to look for it?"

 Thank you Bunting Yu for the cute reward of 100 book coins~

(End of this chapter)

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