Chapter 221 Master Prefers Me 2
Lian Jue looked at himself in the mirror, a little hesitant.

Will she be too mature.

It doesn't feel like it's to please, but rather to seduce the master...

Bah bah, seduce some kind of master.

Lian Jue flipped through the original owner's dressing table.

It was extremely crude.

In addition to the simplest kind of rouge and gouache just placed on the table, there is also a small comb, a book of exercises, and a set of brushes.Other than that, there was nothing else.

The same is true in the closet, there are some exercise clothes and so on, either black or white, plain and dull to the extreme.

Really an honest ordinary person.

After sitting quietly for a while, Lian Jue said, "I want to go down the mountain."

She had to see what the city below the mountain looked like, to understand this plane, and of course, she needed to buy some things.

In fact, these are all high-sounding words, she mainly just wants to play!

Anyway, isn't Master going to leave the customs in two days, so she will go shopping first, eat, drink, buy, and do business, and play for two days before talking.

The girl hummed a song, put on her boots and went out.

Get to the system of the host's inner activities: "..."

Maybe it was luck, as soon as Lian Jue went out, he bumped into Senior Brother Hua Yi within a few steps.

"Brother, good morning~"

Hua Yi turned around and was a little surprised to see her.

But still politely smiled and said: "Junior Sister, you are also good."

The reason why I was surprised was not because of anything else, but because of ordinary times, this little junior sister has a really dull personality. Every time I saw her, she never took the initiative to say hello to him.

Today it looks... like, a lot of changes?
Hua Yi opened his eyes wide, and suddenly realized that Junior Sister Lingqi seemed to be fat today?It felt different from usual, Ming Yansheng was much more lively and prettier.

Hua Yi smiled and said, "Junior Sister, are you going?"

Lian Jue said, "I'm planning to go down the mountain to see my mother, she's not in good health recently."

The original owner's family is a farmer who does farm work every day, and his mother is in excellent health.Lian Jue spoke nonsense in a serious manner.

Hua Yi nodded, "Parents are sick, we really should go back and have a look, even though we are cultivators."

He smiled kindly: "Junior sister, then you go, I will make up the leave for you later."

Lian Jue nodded obediently and thanked him, and casually probed, "Brother, where are you going? Are you going to see Master? Is Master coming to the end of his retreat recently? Will he come out in a few days?"

Hua Yi shook his head with a sincere expression: "God's heart is unpredictable, and I don't know when Master will come out."

He laughed and said, "I went to the kitchen to get plum juice. The weather has been so hot recently that everyone didn't do their homework very well. I plan to put some refreshing plum juice in the classroom. Everyone can drink as they go."

Lian Jue: "Wow..."

Seeing the young junior sister showing strong interest, Hua Yi softly invited: "Do you want to go together? There are some freshly baked pastries in the kitchen."

Lian Jue: "Yes! Senior brother doesn't dislike it, so I'll be a coolie for senior brother and help get plum juice!"

The corners of Hua Yi's lips curled up softly, and he felt that the little junior sister was really cute, "Okay, come with me."

Because it has to provide food for dozens of people in the entire Lingxian Mountain, the back kitchen on the mountain is quite large, and the decoration is very elegant and beautiful.

Lian Jue walked in with his senior brother, feeling that everything was new, so he looked around.

Hua Yi reckoned that the younger junior sister probably hadn't been to the back kitchen before, so everything she saw felt fresh.

He smiled and introduced to her one by one: "This is the illusion of a blue bird, so the corridor is extraordinarily lifelike."

(End of this chapter)

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