Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 309 The Almighty King of the End Times 123

Chapter 309 The Almighty King of the End Times 123
Luo Yun looked at her.

"Blow his head off!!!" Lian Jue waved his fist calmly.

Luo Yun: "..."

He was quiet for a few minutes, and after a while, Lian Jue heard him smile: "Listen to Her Royal Highness."

Under the blue sky and white sun, the young man is tall and handsome, with a deep and gentle voice.

Su to the heart of the people.

The girl paused, her expression was serious, and she raised her head and pouted.

Luo Yun raised her eyebrows, it was rare for her girlfriend to hold her face with one hand, lower her head and kiss her when she took the initiative.

Lian Jue patted the young man's other shoulder comfortingly, and said softly, "Master Yun, I will love you from now on."

She didn't know whether his current aloof character had something to do with the lack of love from his parents when he was a child, but his experience from childhood to adulthood was enough for her to pity him.

Luo Yun said slowly: "Okay."

He paused for a moment, the corners of his lips slightly raised, "Sister Yun, please love me well."

Lian Jue raised her head and said everything, she decided to start tonight, "What do you want to eat tonight? I'll make it for you."

"Well, can I eat anything?"

"of course."

"Is that possible..."


"It's okay, it's just..."

"You say it."

"Cough, sweet and sour, sister Yun, okay?"

"Sweet and sour pork ribs? Sweet and sour fish? That's all, what's the fuss about?"

"you said."

"Wrap it on Grandpa."

"Then, Yunmei, go back early tonight, we need to spend some time preparing."



night, space.

Luo Yun was temporarily busy, and was invited by the person in charge of the base to attend a meeting of supernatural beings. It is said that Nanzhen will also go, as if to discuss the method of encircling and suppressing the zombie group in the south of the base.

Lian Jue was busy in the kitchen of the villa by himself.

This guy said that she wanted to be together, but she didn't do it alone.

Lian Jue was wearing gloves, carefully handling the big live fish in his hand.

— She was just caught from a small lake.

Lian Jue plans to make sweet and sour pork ribs and sweet and sour fish.

These two dishes are her and Luo Yun's favorite.

She and Luo Yun's personalities are not at all similar, and it is not an exaggeration to describe them as diametrically opposed, but their tastes are surprisingly similar.

She prefers salty and sweet tastes, and Luo Yun is similar to her, but slightly sweeter than her.

This point, Lian Jue only discovered it after getting along with him for a long time.He has a sweet tooth, although it is completely different from his own image.

If she hadn't been together for so long, she probably wouldn't have guessed it.

When the two dishes were ready, the door was just opened.

Lian Jue put the plate away, untied her apron and put it aside.

"Welcome home~"

The girl wore a light blue sweater today, her long hair fell down meekly, she was delicate and fair.

Luo Yun took off her coat and put it on the hanger at the door.

He came over and hugged the slender waist from behind.

Lian Jue divided the chopsticks and removed his hands: "Eat well."

Luo Yun's chin rested on one of her shoulders, "I don't want to eat well, I just want to..."

His eyes dimmed slightly.

Intentionally or unintentionally, the long fingers slipped on her waistline.

Lian Jue tapped his hand with chopsticks, squinted his eyes, "Don't want to eat, want to be beaten?"

The girl showed what she thought was a threatening expression, but in Luo Yun's eyes, she was just a kitten with teeth and claws but no deterrent effect.

He hooked her and kissed her for a long time before letting her go and the two of them sat down to eat.

However, for Luo Yun, who thinks that she is in a passionate relationship and deserves more benefits, this is destined to be an impossible meal.

 The meat is coming, be prepared, I don’t know how long it will last

(End of this chapter)

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