Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 393 The Boss He Loves Repairing Cars 56

Chapter 393 The Boss He Loves Repairing Cars 56
"What else?" Lian Jue expressed disbelief, that's all.

Qin Lang paused: "Your brother asked me what I would do if he wanted money and power."

Lian Jue was startled.

"I said, I have a hot spring villa, a resort and three shopping malls under my name. If he wants money, let him choose among them. If he wants power, [-]% of the shares of the Qin Group will be handed over."

The girl looked at him in shock: "Are you crazy?"

Ten percent of the shares, all given to her brother?

Qin Lang rubbed her head, "It's not crazy, man to man, I probably thought about what questions he would ask, this answer is also the result of careful consideration, very cautious."

Lian Jue: "..."

She turned to look at him: "Will your parents agree?"

A smile curled up on the corners of Qin Lang's lips, and he lowered his head and rubbed against her neck: "They only love to hear and see, you said, if you can completely bind the hearts of the group's lawyers, will they wake up laughing from their dreams?"

Of course, [-]% of the shares is still a bit exaggerated, but if Fu Si wants it, he can afford it.

"Shengsheng, you underestimated the importance of your brother to the Qin Group."

Lian Jue was silent for a few seconds.

He was right, if the Qin family and the Fu family become a family, and the interests and family ties are bound together, it will only be more beneficial to the Qin family. This deal is even too worthwhile, and it will be completely tied up without a single soldier The heart of a gold medal lawyer.

This is much more directly useful than hiring more lawyer teams.

But if my brother doesn't want to...

Lian Jue couldn't tell what was in his heart.

Because of the status of the Qin family, my younger sister can't even fall in love like an ordinary girl.

He is also to be involved.

She could almost imagine Fu Si's complex emotions.

Alas, I have caused trouble for my brother again...

Qin Lang didn't have her sadness at all, he sighed, and was completely opposite to her, with a happy look that couldn't be happier, "I found that I really have good eyesight."

"I've embraced the beauty and added a strong general to the family. I'm really a genius."

Lian Jue said coldly, "Did you forget something?"


"I don't seem to have ever said that I promised you?"

Qin Lang: "..."

He hugged the girl, shook her hand, and raised his eyebrows: "Then what are we now?"

Lian Jue spat out three words: "Ambiguous, ambiguous, and period."


Qin Lang shook her hand, "Don't be like this, Shengsheng, I have given your brother so many benefits."

Lian Jue turned his face, "Then I didn't catch anything?"

"You caught me."

Qin Lang turned into a little sweet bean, "Isn't it good enough to have me? I am the sole heir of the Qin family. In the future, you will become Mrs. Qin. You just want as many benefits as you want."

He calculated the account for her carefully: "Look, the land and mall under my name are all yours, and the equity is also yours. The monthly income is tens of thousands, but I didn't tell my brother. I still have several places. Real estate, villas, apartment buildings, and of course, my young and delicious body..."

Someone continues to sell himself shamelessly.

Lian Jue said "Oh", "But I seem to have heard someone say that you will leave soon and won't participate in Project A anymore..."

Qin Lang's brows were faint: "Who said that?"

"They all said it."

Qin Lang paused.

Before that, he did reach an agreement with his family that he would leave after only staying for a while, but now there are obviously new variables.

(End of this chapter)

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