Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 441 Follow-up 26: Be my guinea pig

Chapter 441 Follow-up 26: Be my guinea pig
"Is it tasty?"

In order to smooth out her psychological shadow, in addition to the few dishes she is best at, she also specially made a pickled fish.

In the porcelain basin, the fish meat is white and tender, with green sauerkraut nestling on top, and the soup is thick and mellow.

Qin Lang tasted it.

The originally calm expression was a little surprised, biting his chopsticks and looking at her.

"I didn't expect that." He put down his chopsticks lightly.

Lian Jue's heart swelled, "In short, his level is much higher than yours."

"It was just a mistake to say it." His voice was flat.

Oh man.

The two brought dishes to the table one by one.

Lian Jue finally fulfilled her wish and had a sumptuous meal. She bit her chopsticks: "What are the arrangements for tonight?"

Qin Lang: "Want to drink?"

She didn't expect him to mention that, a little surprised.

Qin Lang raised his eyebrows: "Why? Don't you dare?"

Stimulate the law?

Something was wrong, Qin Lang didn't look like him at all.

The girl suddenly reached out and hugged herself, with vigilant eyes: "Be honest! Do you want to do something like this to me while I'm drunk?"

Qin Lang: "..."

Putting down the water glass on his clean and slender wrist, he said in a cool tone, "You're thinking the wrong way, I think it's me who is worried about innocence, right?"

Lian Jue lowered his arms, his eyes suddenly lit up: "You're right."

Qin Lang: "..."

He looked away with a headache, "Forget it if you don't drink."

"No, no, drink, drink."

"Do you have a lot of fruit wine? I want to mix it up."

The girl jumped up from the sofa.

Looking at someone who was hyperactive, Qin Lang's eyelids twitched.

He sighed.

Drinking was just an impromptu idea. He originally thought that the two of them would have a little drink to have a good time, but how did he feel that this... is a drunk lunatic? ?

Qin Lang's wine cabinet was originally just a decoration, that is, occasionally partners or friends would send some wine over, so there were not many varieties.

Lian Jue chose some and came over.

Seeing her professional equipment, Qin Lang raised his eyebrows: "Do you know how to mix wine?"

Girl: "Of course."

"Here, try it." She handed him a glass of blue liquid.

Transparent and pure blue, slightly rippling in the glass.

Qin Lang has a little-known secret, he actually doesn't drink very well.

But he didn't want Lian Jue to see that this glass of wine was specially mixed by her.

He bowed his head and took a sip.

Lian Jue: "How is it?"

Qin Lang paused for two seconds, "Yes."

Lian Jue has already mixed several more glasses, "Try this, this, and this."

It's hard to find a mouse, how can I let it go!
Qin Lang: "..."

He was silent for a while.

In the end, he drank all of them without showing any expression on his face.

Lian Jue whistled, looking in a good mood, and continued to stir the colorful liquid with the glass rod.

Qin Lang helped his forehead, got up quietly, and sat on the sofa when she didn't notice.

There are cushions to lean on, so it feels better.

He was already a little dizzy.

He pressed his temples to stay awake.

The bluffing voice sounded again: "Qin Lang! Come and taste this."

Helplessness slowly surfaced on his face, "Don't drink."

The other party was rambling about something again, and he listened vaguely.

Then the sofa beside him sank, and a person sat down at some point.

"Are you tired?" a cautious voice.

The man on the sofa opened his clear eyes with a helpless expression, "You are too noisy."

Lian Jue: "..."

She became excited again, "By the way, as long as you are not sleepy, come and taste this cup!"

(End of this chapter)

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