Chapter 459 Captain 7 I Love Studying
As Xiao Mo, who has always set himself the strict requirements of the first-class bomb disposal team members, he was the first to rush forward, "Hello, teacher, I have a question that I don't quite understand, can you answer it for me?"

Other students waiting to ask questions: "..."

Wasn't he just talking bad things about people yesterday?All kinds of dissatisfaction are complaints and eccentricities, why now?

Is it just to deliberately belittle Teacher Xu's image in everyone's hearts, so that he can rush forward to show his courtesy?


Old hermaphrodite.

Gu Yu looked at the team members in the long line, and said calmly, "You can ask me if you don't know anything."

"Captain, do you remember?"

Gu Yu nodded, "Yes."

"Captain, do you understand everything?" The tone was actually a little suspicious, and the others around also nodded.

Gu Yu: "..."

"of course."

Seeing that the usually mild-mannered captain had lost his temper, several members of the team quickly surrounded him to ask questions.

Actually, it was just a joke.

Now that their captains have spoken, they must know what they understand and can't understand anymore.

They have all witnessed the learning ability of the captain, there is no doubt about it.

The originally quiet small classroom was in full swing, and it was divided into two groups, with blushing faces and thick necks discussing.

Lian Jue closed the documents he had prepared: "Then this is the end of today."

Although Xiao Mo finished asking all the questions, he still frowned and refused to let go, "Teacher, have you not backed up these materials? I want to borrow them to see, the geographical structure of Hasa that the organization sent is too broad. Lack of pertinence...”

Lian Jue: "Let me think about it."

Xiao Mo wanted to say something more.

A deep voice sounded low, "Ms. Xu wants to eat, let her go."

Lian Jue: "!"

It was so precise that she could see her inner activities so clearly.

Xiao Mo raised his eyes to look at the girl, his eyes were serious: "Teacher, what do you want to eat? I can go to the cafeteria and order for you now."

Lian Jue: "..."

Gu Yu: "..."

If he remembered correctly, they had been stationed in Hasa for two years, and Xiao Mo had never said that to him once.

She coughed, "Thank you, but I can do it myself."

When she finally walked out of the classroom, she breathed a sigh of relief.

She sighed and stretched, "I'm so hungry."

She walked in the direction of the cafeteria.

System: "Have you finished eating your elbow yesterday?"

Lian Jue: "No."

System: "Then you still go to the cafeteria."

Lian Jue lazily stuffed the rolls of information into the canvas bag, "Of course I went to see the attitude of the team members."

The meals prepared in the cafeteria at noon are richer, including pork and beef.

Lian Jue's eyes lit up.

The canteen master had obviously recognized her, and carefully glanced at her several times, as if she was afraid that she might not think it was enough, and filled her with a bowl full of meat and vegetables.

Lian Jue: "..."

Is her appetite that exaggerated?

She held the bowl and found a place to drop it.

Before she took off the chopsticks and started to eat, a young man came over. He was a little shy and scratched his head, as if embarrassed: "Ms. Xu, come and sit down."

He pointed to the middle, "Everyone is sitting over there, teacher, please join us, it's so lively."

Lian Jue looked over.

There are indeed many people on the opposite side casting their gazes here from time to time, as if they are paying attention to the movements here.

It seems that the person in front of him is the representative sent here.

(End of this chapter)

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