Chapter 464 Captain 12 Explosion
A cannon fire in the morning woke everyone up from their sleep.

Lian Jue opened his eyes.

Before dawn, the sound of chaotic footsteps came from the corridor outside.

A clear and heavy voice sounded out.

"The situation in Kezi City is in crisis."

"The church in Durban fell, and the Hasa zz army was destroyed."

"Everyone, all, gather downstairs!"

"The war is on!"

With clear eyes, the girl climbed off the bed.

If I had known this day, she would wear a clean and tidy outfit every night when she went to bed, put on a coat and put on her shoes and went out.

The sky was slightly brighter, and from the top down, the whole team was running.

Two trucks had already come and stopped on the opposite side.

The team members are all in uniform, and from a distance, they can only see helmets rushing in quickly.

"Teacher Xu, sit here."

He Yang pulled her up and made her sit next to him.

There were fewer people in this car, and it didn't have the solemn and dignified atmosphere of the car just now.

The car on the opposite side had obviously received an order and rushed to execute it.

This car... Lian Jue looked up, plus she was only four people.

They are all acquaintances, Captain, Xiao Mo.

He Yang seemed to see what she wanted to ask, and said gently: "We will go to the headquarters to take command. And... adapt to the scene."

"How can I help?"

He Yang frowned, "It depends on the situation at the scene, teacher, there may be situations where KBFZ kidnaps ordinary people..."

Lian Jue put his fingers on his knees and looked straight ahead: "Is the bomb defuse? Yes, I have no problem."

He Yang felt relieved, "Good teacher Xu, don't worry, someone will protect you."

Lian Jue nodded.

If it was He Yang's turn to talk about the situation, it must be very dangerous, and there are shells flying around, no matter how powerful she is, there is no guarantee that she will not be missing arms or legs this time.

Bomb disposal is a matter of concentration and cannot be distracted.

The car approached Kezi City a little bit in the bumps.

Four people held binoculars, all watching the thick smoke rising from the city.

The smoke is heavy and rises loosely.

It was quiet.

However, the quieter it is, the more people feel that there is something strange and churning underground.

Gu Yu was the first to put down the binoculars, and he came back sideways, with a very calm voice: "Close your eyes, repair, and get ready."

He Yang and Xiao Mo quickly retracted the binoculars, sat back together, and closed their eyes.

Lian Jue was different from them, and it was impossible for her to go to the battlefield, so she held up the binoculars and continued to watch for a while.

As the distance got closer and closer, I finally saw people.

Durban Church.

People in black clothes and black masks stand at the highest vertices, four.

Watchful face, weapon in hand.

The car slowly drove into the city gate.

Stop suddenly.

Gu Yu slowly put down the intercom, "There is a secret mission up there."

Xiao Mo answered subconsciously: "What?"

Gu Yu stared at the Durban Church not far away, and paused every word, "Blast."

Xiao Mo and He Yang froze, but at the same time they were serious.

Lian Jue: "..."

She just wants to help her forehead now.


Her old swan, is this a plot designed for her?
This makes it impossible for her not to come forward.

She looked at Gu Yu.

The three people in the carriage were silent, and Lian Jue could almost imagine the complicated operation of each of their brains at this moment—who would go?
She casually took the armor equipment in Gu Yu's hand: "Leave it to me."

She understands that everyone's worries now are nothing more than one - instability.

(End of this chapter)

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