Chapter 469 Captain 17
She is still sleeping.

He asked the aunt who came to clean up for her to clean it up. Her fair face has been cleaned up, her arms are neatly placed on one side, her left foot is on top of her right foot, and her hands are still tightly held.

Gu Yu: "..."

He helped her pull up the quilt.

I don't know how to pose this way.

Although it was still messy and indescribably messy, the aura of the whole person was unknowingly gentle and well-behaved, completely different from the way he bared his teeth and claws during the day.

When he found her, she was sleeping backwards on a hillside.

Thanks to the church, he turned the surroundings upside down, and even went directly to the ruined church to find it, but he didn't expect her to run up the mountain.

Really... Should I praise her for being smart?
He had been looking for it for so long.

The girl turned over, as if she sensed someone coming, and repulsed her in a daze.

Gu Yu didn't stay any longer, he pulled up the quilt she had kicked off to cover it up again, and held it down with something.

Exited the room.

This is the temporary base of the headquarters. After this day, the team members need to rest. It is expected that they will stay for another two days.

Since he was in the city, he had to do something.

He closed the gate, and his military boots slammed lightly and regularly on the stone pavement.



Even with the list, a group of people are still confused.

"Will sister Xu like this?"

"I want to buy her some small gifts, but I don't know what color she likes..."

"This vase is not bad...but it's a bit old-fashioned. Mei Xu is still young, no way."

Someone suddenly said, "Look what I found!"

A few slender figures immediately approached.

"Body lotion?"

Xiao Mo frowned, stared at it a few times, "The kind used by local girls?"

The rest of the people also recognized it.

As long as it is a girl in Hasa, almost everyone has a bottle of this moisturizer.

Citizenship is too high.

Although there are no girls in their army, as soon as they come out, they can see girls playing with jars that look like this. I have seen them so many times that it is hard not to recognize them.

The young man who was the first to find this moisturizing cream was very proud: "The weather in Kazakhstan is dry, and Kezi is particularly dry. Teacher Xu will definitely like it."

Xiao Mo snorted, "Come on."

He turned his handsome face away, turned his slender figure to the side, and turned his head to study the gadgets on other stalls.

Holding the small pot, He Yang raised his chin towards Xiao Mo: "How do you say it?"

He actually thought it would be good to buy this for Mr. Xu, but Xiao Mo must have his reasons for saying that just now.

Hearing his question, several other people also waited for Xiao Mo's answer.

Xiao Mo took the jar and studied it, then turned around and asked the boss how much it was in Kazakhstan.

The boss reported the number.

Xiao Mo showed such an expression, shrugged his shoulders, and put down the jar.

He Yang: "Do you think it's cheap?"

The price is really not expensive, otherwise the local little girls would not be able to afford it.

Impossible to do it with one hand.

But the gift is also a thought, besides, Teacher Xu may not not use it.

Xiao Mo leaned against the tree, sighed, and repeated, "Come on, Teacher Xu doesn't like it."

He pointed to the jar, "It costs 60 or [-] yuan a bottle in RMB. Have you seen Teacher Xu's skin care products? She has several bottles. They are all international brands, usually two or three thousand. What do you give?" She buys this? She won't use it at all!"

He snorted and shook his legs against the tree.

(End of this chapter)

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