Chapter 492 Captain 40
Lian Jue pushed his hand away, pointed to the small door in the room, and said in a low voice, "Then I'll go in and hide."

Gu Yu nodded, "There are snacks inside."

He got up and put the bag of mangoes into her hand, "Take this and eat it too."

Lian Jue: "..."

She hugged him gently, turned around and hurried into the room.

Gu Yu paused for a few seconds before walking over and opening the door.

Xiao Mo was knocking on the door, but he didn't expect the door to be opened unexpectedly, so he fell in directly.

"……team leader!"

Xiao Mo immediately stood up straight.

Lian Jue found out that his small room was really unique.

There are actually the snacks he mentioned.

The layout is also simple, a table, a lamp, a big box, international express, and when opened, it is full of various snacks.

Did you buy it for her?
But this logistics speed... at least the order was placed several days ago, right?

She found that the captain's way of being kind to people is really simple and couldn't be simpler-just buy food and drink.

She unpacked the package of shrimp crackers and stood behind the door to eavesdrop.

It's a pity that the voice on the other side is too low, or it may be because the sound insulation effect is too good, Lian Jue listened for a long time, but couldn't hear anything clearly.

Wait until the speaking voice subsides.

The door outside slammed shut.

Lian Jue pushed the door open a crack.


A slender figure appeared in front of his eyes.

He took her hand and pulled her out.

Lian Jue noticed an envelope on the table.

"What happened to Xiao Mo?"

Although I couldn't hear what he said clearly, it seemed that it was not a trivial matter from his tone.

Gu Yu put the envelope away, he didn't shy away from her, so Lian Jue saw clearly the stacks of passports inside.

"His grandfather is seriously ill and has applied for a trip back to China."

Lian Jue nodded.

"Are you ready?"

It is quite difficult to ask for leave while serving, especially since Xiao Mo seems to have already taken an annual leave before.

"Of course, I'm so impersonal?" He tidied up the team members' passports and put them back in the drawer.

"Hmm..." Lian Jue sat on the table next to him and looked up at him: "Then can I go through the back door?"

"What?" Gu Yu stared at her.

"It's just... I miss my dad a little bit, can I go back to China?" The girl said sincerely with her chin raised.


After a pause, Gu Yu's eyes were a little cold: "No."

"Why?" She jumped off the table, "Didn't you just say that you are a humane person?"

"Do you want to go back for a few days?" He propped one hand beside her, lowering his eyes slightly to look at her.

The perfect shoulder-to-width ratio was right in front of her eyes, and the girl touched her nose subconsciously, "Well... a week, it won't be too long."


"Ms. Xu just fell in love, and is going to leave her boyfriend and go back to China?"


That voice, that tone, that attitude, it was as if she was a sinner who abandoned his wife and son.

"Don't say it's so serious, I just miss my dad, so ask."

Dad Xu has urged her several times to find a chance to come back, but she has prevaricated several times, and she still doesn't know how to solve this matter.

"Want an answer? The answer is...impossible."

"Unless your annual leave round for this year comes down, I will keep you stuck here, don't hope there will be any exceptions."

Gu Yu's expression was very pale.

Lian Jue: "!!"

"Then why did Xiao Mo give it?!"

"He's in a hurry, are you in a hurry?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Impossible, she understands his character, and under normal circumstances, if a team member really asks for leave to return to China, how could he not allow it? She has seen many of them with her own eyes during the Chinese New Year alone.

(End of this chapter)

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