Chapter 517 Captain 70
The two men stayed in the living room drinking tea and playing chess, while Lian Jue walked out of the garden alone and walked slowly along the cross road.

Uncle Zhao was probably as bored as she was staying inside, so he came out to chat with her.

"Miss, master has finally settled his mind."

"That's right," the girl gritted her teeth, and spoke slowly, "He has something on his mind, and I have lowered my status in his heart."

Seeing how he treasured his son-in-law, those who didn't know thought he was his real son.

"No way, Miss, you think too much," Uncle Zhao was surprised, "Master is absolutely devoted to you."

"I know." Lian Jue didn't really think that way, she was just jealous that Gu Yu really won her father's favor so quickly.


Suddenly there was the sound of unhurried footsteps behind him.

Uncle Zhao had sharp eyes and said, "Miss, I'll go back and tidy up the room."

Lian Jue looked back, just in time to meet Gu Yu's gaze.

She raised her eyebrows: "Have you finished playing chess and drinking tea?"

"Well, by the way, we finished talking about the details of the wedding." The handsome young man walked up to her, his Adam's apple slipped up and down, and looked at her amusedly.

Lian Jue: "..."

"It seems that my father-in-law and I have the same opinion, and we both want to get married as soon as possible." He looked calm, with warm eyes.

It's really thick-skinned, the father-in-law called each time more smoothly.

The two walked slowly along the gravel road.

"Miss, your house is bigger than I imagined." Passing by the rockery, he sighed, holding the girl's slender wrist and pressing her up.

Lian Jue was taken aback by this sudden domineering action, thinking he was going to do something to her in the public, but he just lowered his head and rubbed her forehead.


Lian Jue paused, and finally asked the question slowly: "Gu father wants you to manage Xu's Bank, did he say that?"

He paused, as if he didn't expect her to guess.

In the end, Gu Yu nodded without hiding it from her: "Yes."

She was silent.

She always had this passage in her memory. Father Xu once told her that since she didn't like doing business, he wouldn't force her.

In the future, the family business will either be run by a professional manager, or... her husband.

In Dad Xu's eyes, both are ways out, but of course it is best to let his family handle it.

So this time, even if he didn't ask Gu Yu directly, he must have leaked it to test him.

Of course, she bet her father didn't have much hope, after all, he was an officer.

The story would end here, but what her father never imagined was——Gu Yu majored in economics at university!
Lian Jue only found out about this matter last month when he accidentally saw an economics magazine among the pile of military theory newspapers he subscribed to.

The little time in the study was obviously enough for Dad Xu to understand this matter.

Gu Yu rubbed her forehead, paused on her shoulder, and smiled helplessly: "There are many conditions, and there are also many restrictions. If I get back all my cheating assets in the future, if I don't manage well, I will hand them over to the manager." I leave the house without leaving the house..."

The girl finally couldn't help laughing.

Gu Yu pinched the soft flesh on her waist, and said in a calm tone, "So funny? Huh?"

As soon as he scratched the itchy flesh on her body, she wanted to laugh even more...

So in the manor under the blue sky and daylight, there was a strange sound, and the servants who were cleaning around were blushing, and hurried away with tools.

(End of this chapter)

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