Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 545 The president is unfathomable 24

Chapter 545 The president is unfathomable 24
Since coming to the apartment, he has changed into a white shirt for home use. He is indescribably tall and straight, handsome and handsome.

It feels... a bit different from Xue Yao who usually wears a suit and leather shoes.

If she had to say it, she wouldn't be able to say it, anyway, she didn't dare to look up easily.

From the moment he took out the cello, she kept her gaze focused on the cello, lowering her head to study the cello seriously.

He was quite quiet at first, took a glass of water, and sat not far away.

Lian Jue thought it would go on like this until the end of time, until...he just said that sentence suddenly.


Is it really so ugly for her to pull?

Xue Yao put down the water glass, got up suddenly, and walked over slowly.

The two were not far away, and stopped in front of her within a few steps.

As soon as Lian Jue raised his head, he met the young man's clear eyes.

She saw the corners of his lips slightly curved, "It's not like that, I'll teach you."

Lian Jue was stunned.

He had already sat behind her, held her hand playing the violin with both hands, and said in a low voice, "This way."

A soothing, soft melody ripples through the room.

Sweet and touching.

He never told her he could play the cello.

But it's not surprising that President Xue, who is so versatile, can play the cello.

For Lian Jue, this is not the most important thing.

Most importantly - this moment!He held her hand, his slender fingers completely wrapped her hand, she was stiff all over!

The man's hand is warm and strong, controlling her hand and controlling the melody.

And the chest behind her was equally warm and tolerant.

He sat behind her, not completely clinging to her back, but keeping a distance, enough for a gentleman.

But it is such a distance, but it is more ambiguous than being close to each other.

The girl's hands were hot, her back was hot, and she felt extremely uncomfortable all over.

However, the other party didn't seem to notice it, and said in a low voice, "Think of it as your lover."

"Mr. Xue..." Her voice trembled a little.

"Call me Xue Yao."

"Xue Yao...well, why did you, so, try to teach me?" It was just a casual complaint, but he kept it in his heart, and even brought his mother's cello to teach her himself.

The opponent paused.

half an hour.

"Isn't it because, Xing Mo, your eyes are too helpless?" With a low voice, he chuckled, picked up the water glass and took a sip of water.

With the fingers holding the glass, the liquid rippled, making the hand more slender and beautiful.

Lian Jue couldn't be sure to pay attention, this feeling that was about to come out...


She brushed her hair and returned to the original topic, "You said you want to treat it as your lover? I don't think I can do it."

Who can regard the cello as a lover?
A cold, hard piece of wood.

"Then you can visualize it as a person." The handsome young man paused, his lips curved slightly, and his expression was calm: "For example...me."

Lian Jue: "!"

She turned back.

It was probably because her move was too sudden, or maybe his chin was just not far above her shoulder, and unexpectedly, the bridge of his nose was hit by her, making a clear sound.

All four look at each other.

Then Lian Jue saw that the bottom of his eyes darkened a little bit.

Looking into her eyes, it seemed that something was surging.

"...Why, the task is always me to capture a man? Can't I be captured by a man?" Lian Jue complained in his heart while staring at the beauty close at hand, "I just want to lie down and enjoy. "


(End of this chapter)

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