Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

Chapter 686 The Prince Is Making Trouble Again 51

Chapter 686 The Prince Is Making Trouble Again 51
The slender fingers slid up her waist, with a clear destination, and they were about to touch the corner of the small bag...

The two were scrambling on the floor.

Lian Jue screamed and crawled back and forth on the ground, but the other party pursued closely all the time, and finally reached the corner, she could not retreat.

She lay on the floor and looked at the people above her.

Junyan smiled, "Yaoyao, take it out obediently."

Lian Jue clutched his small bag, expressionless: "Do you want money, or someone?"

She learned what he often said.

However, the other party stopped.

She waited for a while, but nothing happened.

What, stop grabbing?

The girl looked up.

Then I saw him smiling slightly.

"...how do you know what I want?"

Lian Jue: "..."

The air became somewhat ambiguous for no reason.

For some reason, she always felt that the distance between his handsome face and her was always closer this second than the last.

Before his kiss fell, Lian Jue reached out and pressed his lips against his.

"Give me another piece of gold, or you won't give me a kiss."


The air fell into a silent stillness.

Kind of like a needle drop.

After a while, she clearly heard the sound of grinding her teeth, "You really lost money."

Fu Chen snorted, turned over and sat down beside her without a word.

No matter how charming her thoughts were, they were washed away at this moment.

"We trade fairly." The girl raised her chin with a reasonable look.

Seeing that he is ignoring her now, Lian Jue understands that he has no intention of stealing money anymore, so he turns out his small bag, and happily counts the pieces of gold and silver that were exchanged, with a baby's expression of no choice.

Fu Chen happened to see such a scene when he turned his head, and his teeth ached somewhat.

"How much to buy you for one night?"

"Wan Jin!"

"If you can afford it, I will dedicate my blood to you!" Lian Jue quickly raised her head, full of energy.

A blood……

Fu Chen was successfully blackened by this word.

He pulled her up from the floor, "Shut up after eating."

Originally, that sentence was just a joke, and he wanted to see what kind of funny reaction she would have, but he obviously forgot one thing, the unexpected and startling words she would burst out from time to time.

Prince Fu... with a dark face, he pulled him to the dinner table.

Lian Jue was pressed on the table, a pair of chopsticks were stuffed in his hands, and his head was pushed into the rice bowl: "..."

He couldn't make any small moves yet, even though Fu Chen was eating, his defensive eyes would fall on her from time to time.

It was as if she was trying to make sure if she had made any small moves.

The warning is full of meaning.

Lian Jue: "..."

is it necessary.

Forget it, she has a lot, so let's eat well.

Lian Jue coughed lightly and lowered his head to eat.

But she soon discovered something was wrong.

Why are there several plates of food in front of him, not to mention his posture, which is elegant and charming, while in front of her is a basin?

Although the dishes inside are the same, but how do you look at it, what's wrong?
"Do you feed the pigs?"

Lian Jue put down his chopsticks and questioned his soul.

His Excellency ate his meal gracefully, as if he didn't hear this sentence.

Lian Jue stretched out his hand to hold his chopsticks: "Hey, why are you discriminating?"

Fu Chen slightly raised his eyes and glanced at her.

"You said it yourself yesterday."


Lian Jue scratched the back of his head, a little confused: "What did I say?"

"You said it in your dream last night."

"What did I say?" She was mad.

(End of this chapter)

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