Chapter 749
"Huh." After the women's long-distance running team had arrived, Qiao Hehe turned her head inadvertently, and her eyes fell on the familiar white short-sleeved body with a surprised expression.

Her voice was soft: "Xia Yan?"

The girl withdrew her looking eyes, looked back, saw that it was her, raised her eyebrows, and waved her hands casually.

"class president."

Qiao Hehe was slightly stunned, but still smiled and said: "Didn't everyone say you won't report for long-distance running this year?"

Under the sun, the girl raised the corners of her lips slightly, "I just suddenly felt that it would be a pity to lose one championship."

The girl hooked her shoulders, making warm-up preparations.

He said things that would piss people off than pay for their lives.

Qiao Hehe: "..."

Her smile froze slightly, but she still said harmoniously: "Then let's work hard together!"

Lian Jue snorted, and nodded casually, as if the boss was answering the little soldier.

Qiao Hehe pursed her lips and stood at the designated position.

Lian Jue lazily continued to do warm-up exercises at the side.

Originally, she really didn't intend to sign up for long-distance running, but who made this thing too exciting, after seeing the three familiar words of the women's long-distance running group, an inexplicable fighting spirit suddenly rushed up, always wanting to PKPK with classmate Xiao Qiao.

Like his brother?Then let's pass her test first!
The men's long-distance running group had already started, and a gunshot was heard from a distance.

The playground is full of running hormones.

Those long legs, those bloody biceps...

Not to mention, even Jue was a little distracted watching, subconsciously swallowed.

Not to mention how many girls screamed in the stands.

Lian Jue looked around for Yan Shuo's figure.

In fact, there is no need to look for it, because her brother must be the first one from beginning to end.

It's just that she still looked at each one from the back to the front according to her habit, and finally stopped slowly on the tall figure in front.

Some people have exaggerated expressions when they start running, and some people have exaggerated postures, but Yan Shuo is not. Even if he is running, he looks like he is strolling in a garden, elegant and handsome, with a handsome and compelling posture.

When her brother wasn't on stage, a bunch of little girls gathered around to discuss, and they could be seen discussing Yan Shuo everywhere, all of them were so excited, and now it was even more exaggerated to the point that if there was a ceiling on the playground, it would be able to push the ceiling up. The point of frying.

Lian Jue sighed sadly, and made preparations sadly.

This is popularity, this is the male god on campus, this is the fate of the opposite sex, this is awesome!

Unlike her, none of those handsome little brothers came to see her.

As for looking at her, there was none.

Even Qiao Hehe, many suitors came to cheer her on.

Qiao Hehe greeted each other one by one, but unexpectedly, those people held up a specially customized banner, with words of support such as Hehe Jiajia Hehe must win Hehe is the most beautiful.

It looks like Jue has committed embarrassing cancer.

And Qiao Hehe covered her lips and smiled even more shyly.

Lian Jue gradually complained about his wife.

Hmph, without a little brother, there would be no little brother.

She didn't come to run for her little brother.

She wants to win the championship!champion!

How could a hunk's life allow such a career-delaying existence like a petite wife?
Hmph, she doesn't want it!
In the women's long-distance running group, clear gunshots sounded.

The moment the girl in the white school uniform and short sleeves ran forward, she didn't notice the figures of many boys at the side and rear.

It was midday and the sun was strong.

On the red runway, the girl is slender and agile.

(End of this chapter)

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