Chapter 872
Contrary to his expectations, Xia He not only did not become angry, but raised his eyes calmly: "This is not for me, it is for you, Yanzhu."

Lian Jue: "..."

"Do you see that you are so thin now, what else do you have besides your bones?" Putting the food plate away, he took off the small plates with vegetables one by one on it, "Eat it, eat it all."

The clear eyes stared at her directly, and at that moment, it seemed that the aura of a domineering president was on his body automatically, and the gloomy eyes seemed to eat her if she didn't eat.


Lian Jue knew that it was not that simple for his unruly younger brother to have a meal with him.


As soon as he said the word "I", Lian Jue was stopped abruptly by the staring eyes.

"I'll eat." She said very tactfully.

Xia He finally sat down slowly, and snorted, looking satisfied and continuing to observe.

Lian Jue: "..."

She stared at the mess of dishes in front of her.

There were already a lot of ribs that Tan Miaomiao had made for her, and now they were mixed with his. The table was so big that it was almost full.

It seems that her eating problem is not just one person taking care of her.

"You've been very rich recently." Lian Jue forked a piece of steak, thoughtfully.

"Yeah, I also want to thank you for your good vision. The stocks I selected have doubled several times in my hands."

Lian Jue: "..."

Hold back.

Tan Miaomiao's eyes finally turned back from Ye Qinchi's sunny and handsome face not far away.

She chewed the vegetables, and suddenly said: "By the way, Yanyan, you went home the next day, I haven't had time to ask you, have you gotten rich recently? You bought so many legends."

As she spoke, she lowered her voice again, with a very nervous voice, "Or, are you really a shareholder of Legend?"

She had thought about this matter in advance, the things in that jewelry box were worth 5000 yuan, so it was easy to give it to her?It feels like a joke.

This demeanor, this bearing, this mind, these hands and feet...

Could it be that Xia Yan is really...

Xia He was the first to speak, "Yan Shuo is back?"

Lian Jue was taken aback.

She reacted: "You already knew?"

The legend belongs to Yan Shuo, so he already knew about it?

Xia He took a rare choke, and after a while, he had no choice but to say, "Because you were always unhappy when you heard about him, so..."

"So parents knew about it a long time ago?" She frowned.

"No," Xia He shook his head, "My brother and I got back in touch a year ago, that's why I found out about it. My parents didn't know about it at the time. I guess it's been a while since Dad knew about it."

Lian Jue: "..."

She asked why the two of them got in touch so early before she took the case, and Tan Miaomiao, who had been listening in a cloud for a long time, was at a loss: "You... are you talking about magic??"

Lian Jue: "..."

Xia He: "..."

Lian Jue paused, and explained hastily, "Yan Shuo is the elder brother of both of us, he said he is the founder of Legend, and the accessories came from him."

After she finished speaking, she turned to Xia He: "When did you guys resume contact? Why? Who contacted whom?"

She didn't notice that Tan Miaomiao was staring behind her: "Brother...the founders are all..."

Xia He: "..."

He was silent for a while, "It's been about a year. He contacted me, but he just got in touch, but he rarely chats with me, so he occasionally sends an email to ask what's going on."

(End of this chapter)

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