Chapter 879
"It was the first time I went to talk to a girl that day—I actually knew the way. You see, as an unskilled teenager, I can make up any unusual reasons."

He smiled, the dimples on his lips deepened.

"It just so happens that my childhood friend is in the same school as you, and it just so happens that he is your senior, and he also happens to be the chairman of the student union, so he can have many opportunities to get in touch with you."

"So I had the opportunity to meet you. I'm really happy." He was wearing a white sweater today, standing under the tree, looking no different from the boy who always rode a bicycle at the school gate.

"That day, I invited that guy Liang Yan to eat several ice creams. He was also rude and made my heart hurt."

"I started to wait patiently for every Friday."

"Gradually, I discovered many things."

"For example, we have the same hobbies."

"You like chocolate snowballs, and so do I."

"You like watching Chaplin movies, and so do I."

"And too many people always feel bored, but you always want to find all kinds of fun, and I am the same. I can't rest for a moment."

"It's just... I didn't get to know you better."

After a long pause, he finally evoked a faint smile slowly: "It ended so suddenly."

"Teenage Friday's love is over. Sorry... At least I should say goodbye to you."

"But at that time, I was still too immature, childish and paranoid, and I couldn't even ask a question. Obviously I was just a naive child holding his own lost feelings."

"One year, two years, three years, time has passed so long, and I still have the chance to stand in front of you." His eyes were gentle.

"'This is probably a fate that has not faded away', let me think so, if you agree."

"I don't know if the blessings I have accumulated in the past 21 years are enough, and if I can get your favor again."

"It would be fine if I could add all the luck I will have in this life."

"I don't know if I can get this honor in return," he raised his eyes with a smile in his eyes, and finally opened his mouth softly, saying that sentence: "Be your...boyfriend."


The air was silent.

Since he stopped, the summer afternoon has fallen into a kind of silence.

The girl wanted to speak several times, but finally stopped, with a complicated expression on her face.

In the end, she only asked calmly: "So, what happened in the first year of high school?"

He smiled lightly: "Maybe you can ask your brother, didn't he come back last time?"

After a slight pause, Junyan regained his gentleness like a spring breeze: "Maybe he can explain it better than me."

"Xia Yan."

He said slowly, "Even if I had many bad things in the past."

"Now I just want to seek a chance in front of my goddess."


How many people has been harmed by her appearance?

In the end, she could only speak sincerely: "Thank you, I am very touched."

She didn't expect that after the first year of high school, he would remember it in his heart for so long.

For such a long time, she, who was the one who was alienated at the beginning, forgot all about it.

He even remembered.

Has it been buried so deeply in my heart for so long?

Lian Jue remembered his words again.

related to her brother.

Yan Shuo...

related to him?

She frowned slightly.

What was the connection and what happened again.

There was an expected expression on that sunny handsome face, he paused, and said in a slightly self-deprecating tone: "I know you may not have thought it through, nor did you expect to get an answer so soon, but at least... "

"When you're free, think about Ye Qinchi, okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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