Chapter 884
Suddenly such a comparison, Ye Qinchi's way of chasing people is really too campus-like.

However, thinking of that GUCCI jewelry box, the corners of Tan Miaomiao's eyes twitched again.

Forget it, when she didn't say it.

Now Tan Miaomiao has completely figured it out.

It's like the sentence I often saw in textbooks when I was a child-some people are heroes, and some people are people who applaud heroes on the side of the road...

In real life, some people are extremely dazzling people, and some people are ordinary people.

Those dazzling people can get things at will, ordinary people will always have to work hard to get them.

Since I don't have such a face, such a beautiful figure, such a smart brain, and such a pleasing personality...

It doesn't matter, as long as she is an ordinary person like herself.

Besides, she's not that ordinary, it's just that she doesn't stand out so much after being beside Xia Yan for too long!

Everyone has their own destiny.

Tan Miaomiao accepted her own setting calmly.

Besides, what's wrong with being an ordinary person next to an outstanding person, she is a very sought-after character now.

No, it's more than just a hot item.

It's like wind and rain.

As long as she wants to accept the gift, she can receive it softly.

Holding the jewelry box in his hand, Tan Miaomiao felt as if he was already relying on half of the country.

Is it so easy to reach the peak in life?Just make the right friends? ?


Tan Miaomiao's worldview was refreshed with excitement.

She decided that in the future, she must do her best to be a good wingman for Xia Yan and herself!
For both of them to climb to a higher peak!


"my brother?"

"Have you seen him?"

In the cafeteria at night, the Qingli girl was so surprised that she didn't even bother to eat, she looked up at her steadily, and when she looked carefully, there was still a trace of panic in her gaze.

It turns out that there are also times when you, Xia Yan, are unsure of noticing.

Tan Miaomiao felt secretly refreshed, the more she pretended to be inscrutable at this time, she held the milk glass in both hands, "Yeah, you are so handsome but you are secretly hiding it, and you still lied to me about being a big bitch, you It's really interesting."

Tan Miaomiao was very angry when he mentioned this.

Big dick!Big dick!
what the hell!

The other party is obviously a monstrous and beautiful man who is rare in thousands of years!
Sitting in the same car in the morning, she secretly observed it carefully. The skin is also very transparent, smooth and fair, and there is no blackhead at all.

A beauty of this level is actually described as such an insult...

Sure enough, Xia Yan was afraid that her handsome brother would be snatched away by her, so she didn't want to share it with her.

It's all right now, people took the initiative to deliver it to your door.

Tan Miaomiao was very proud.

The girl on the opposite side pretended to be calm, obviously trying to avoid the first question: "Wait, tell me how you met first."

"I met you normally," Tan Miaomiao talked about him, "at the school gate."

The girl's face turned pale for a while, and after a while, she said cautiously: "Did he say anything to you?"

Not only did he say something, he also added WeChat.

Of course, this kind of proud thing can't be casually opened to let her notice, otherwise it will violate her identity as a wingman.

"If you can say anything, just say hello, and then let's go."

The girl lowered her eyes, as if she was considering the truth and falsehood of her words, and her sharp eyes came from time to time.

Tan Miaomiao was calm.

Look, look, you can't see a ball anyway.

(End of this chapter)

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