Chapter 889
But... since Ye Qinchi's attitude has changed now, he should have discovered the lie her brother told back then, so what is the opportunity for him to know the whole story?

After four years, Lian Jue discovered that this matter was far more complicated than he imagined.

It is impossible for his attitude to change for no reason, he must have understood something.

The girl sighed slightly.

It's not as good as Yan Shuo's words at the beginning made him believe that they will be separated from each other.

It's not's making a comeback now.

Lian Jue propped his chin with his hands, a little lost in thought.

Although she knew that there was a reason why Liang Yan and Ye Qinchi alienated her, she never thought that the reason was her.

I don't know how that boy four years ago felt when he heard what Yan Shuo said.

Thinking about it this way, her brother is really too ruthless...

She couldn't help but said, "Brother, aren't you afraid that he and I are in love? What if you ruin my true love with such a move..."


His tone was flat: "You have been volatile since you were a child, and you look at him without even the light in your eyes. Do you think this is true love?"

Lian Jue: "..."

Since when did she turn up and down?

Speak well, why do you want to attack personally!

But her attention was quickly drawn to another word.

Light again.

Why are they all mentioning the light?

Lian Jue stood up and stopped in front of the full-length mirror in the private room, staring at the mirror seriously.

"Why is there no light?"

What a pair of beautiful eyes.

Under the light, the eyes flowed, the fair skin was translucent, and the eyes were as black as ink.

Holding the teacup with his thin and long fingers, he said calmly: "If you like someone, there is light in your eyes, which is different from looking at anyone else."

Lian Jue: "..."

She stared at herself in the mirror, thoughtful.

"Want to know why you never feel weird?"

"Because you only like yourself."

A word to wake up the dreamer.

Lian Jue paused.

In the mirror, she saw the silhouette of that person.

He put the teacup to his lips and sipped slowly.

Looking at it from this angle, vaguely, the profile is unique and handsome.

What is light?
Does this count.

Clinging to the teacup, Yan Shuo glanced slightly.

In sight, the girl walked back slowly, her eyes were a little silent.

Realizing that what he just said might be too blunt and inappropriate, Yan Shuo said, "A girl your age..."

Originally he wanted to say "it's normal not to have someone he likes", but after thinking about it, he felt uncomfortable no matter how he heard it.

So life and indifference turned into another sentence.

"It's normal not to be able to tell true love."

Shaking his head, Lian Jue always felt that he was going to win back, "Brother, don't you also have dull eyes? Everyone has the same eyesight."

Originally, she thought she would get a cold disdain, but she clearly saw him startled for a moment, and then...slowly revealed an extremely self-deprecating smile.

"I'm used to it."


"It's nothing." The young man turned his eyes and said in a steady voice: "The food is here, let's eat first."

Sure enough, the waiters brought the dishes one after another.

Lian Jue had no choice but to withdraw his thoughts and concentrate on eating.

It's just that occasionally, in the gap, I will look up at the person opposite.


It's weird, it always feels... like he was about to say something just now.

But now it doesn't look like it anymore.

All thoughts seem to be buried in the deep sea.

Coming out of the restaurant, the sky started to rain again.

(End of this chapter)

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