Chapter 910
If you have this time to manage the president's business, it's better to sleep more, and you will have to work overtime later.

Silly boy.

Looking at the young man with loving eyes, the people in the tea room chatted for a while and then dispersed.

"Please come in."

The girl's voice is clear and gentle.

Secretary Li pushed open the door, and when he looked up, he saw the figure standing on the magazine rack.

She was holding the stamp album in her hand and was looking at it seriously, taking out one or two from time to time and putting it in the palm of her hand for observation.

At first, I subconsciously wanted to remind the president that they were precious stamps collected from all over the country by spending a lot of money, but when the president left, the words suddenly hit my mind again.

Casual and natural tone: "Except for documents, move as you like."

So Secretary Li's Adam's apple fluctuated up and down, swallowing back the blocking words.

"Miss Xia, here are drinks and snacks, please take your time."

"Okay, I'm sorry." The girl held the stamp album, looked up at him, and smiled.

Secretary Li put the things down, "Then I won't bother you, my work station is nearby, if you have any orders, you can tell me."

The girl nodded, her eyes moved down and stayed on the stamp album again, "Okay, thank you."

Walking out of the office, Secretary Li couldn't help feeling emotional when he thought of the girl's gentle smile.

The boss' girlfriend is really a polite person.

Compared with the actress surnamed Jiang, it's not much worse.

It's so sweet to laugh, but it makes the queen of the movie look like this.

Personality... also good.

Although it can't be said that Jiang Yinghou is rude, but it doesn't feel down-to-earth.

Beauty is beauty, like a vase.

So Secretary Li, who just thought it was unbelievable for the president to fall in love, suddenly changed his mind and admired the president's vision very much.

Subconsciously and involuntarily, the president's schedule for the next year...whether the wedding date can be spared.

Since they all brought the company, it proves that Ms. Xia must have an unusual position in the CEO's heart, and what does this mean... Maybe legend is about to be overjoyed?

With an excited heart and trembling hands, Secretary Li jumped a little even as she walked back to her work station.

Lian Jue, who was flipping through the stamp album at the CEO's office, didn't know that Secretary Li had secretly tagged her—down to earth!

Someone might be depressed if they knew.

Compared with the title of down-to-earth, she prefers a brainless vase!
Lian Jue didn't expect Yan Shuo to have a hobby of collecting stamps.

When she was a child, she was interested in stamps, and Dad Xia spent a lot of money to collect many out-of-print stamps for her.

But it's a pity that it was also a 3-minute heat, and it was forgotten after a while.

There is a thick stack of collected quantities in this booklet, it seems that he has persisted for a long time.

Flipping through the pages, a thin piece of paper suddenly fell out of the booklet and landed on the floor.

She paused, staring at the piece of paper and bent over to pick it up.

It is a movie ticket stub in Chinese.

Seeing the movie name clearly printed on it, the corners of Lian Jue's lips curled up unconsciously.

It turned out to be the movie ticket stub of that movie, the movie she watched that he complained about as a bitter scene.

She looked over and over again, only to find it extraordinarily miraculous.

He still kept it.

It seems what he said is true.

It turned out that he really watched the movie with her that day.

She has never had the habit of keeping the ticket stub herself, and she didn't know which trash can to throw her ticket stub into.

If you haven't lost it, you can put the two together as a souvenir.

The doorknob was unscrewed, and the sound of leather shoes stepped in.

(End of this chapter)

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