Chapter 915
Hearing what other people said about him being young and promising, she always listened to it for a long time in a daze.

It turns out...the founder of Legend turned out to be him.

The designer of those pretty, sharp accessories that she loves so much.

How could there be such an excellent person.

So good and so dazzling.

At the beginning, she didn't know what that feeling was called, until she couldn't help but always tried to approach him, trying to say a few words to him.

Even the legend has become her only accessory in street photography.

Before she knew that he was the founder of Legend, she simply admired the style of Legend. After knowing that he was the founder of Legend, she saw a very different mood when she saw those accessories, and she loved them even more.

Fans say that she is very suitable for this soft and cool style, legend is simply designed for her.

She was also happy when she heard it.

She finally realized that her cycad tree would one day blossom and fall in love with a young designer and entrepreneur.

But what about him, illiterate, nouveau riche, is that how he describes himself?
Jiang Meng felt extremely uncomfortable.

Or did you deliberately demean yourself in front of her?
It felt like he had drawn a sharp line between two people.

She is on one side and he is on the other, separated by him clearly, and he is telling her in this way—they are not passing through a kind of person.

To put it another way, he is young and rich, and young and promising. Whoever sees him does not want to call him a young and promising entrepreneur.

But in his mouth, he turned into some kind of illiterate nouveau riche...

Besides, so what if she is an illiterate or an upstart, why would she care about the person she likes?
Jiang Meng bit her lip, the sad feeling in her heart came up again.

This is what it feels like to be rejected.

It turns out that some feelings... really cannot be forced by money and appearance.


His uniform was still in the company, so Yan Shuo didn't go home directly, but went back to the company.

Bright lights.

Recently Legend received a new design order, and most of the staff are working overtime.

However, when he passed by the corridor of the office area, he clearly noticed their eyes raised instantly.

Secretary Li hurriedly pushed open the door of the president's room, lowered his head in obedience, a little afraid to look at him.

Yan Shuo took off his suit and put it on his arm. He was wearing a light-colored white shirt. Ignoring the lip print on the collar, he looked like a nobleman who had just stepped out of an oil painting.

"what happened?"

He glanced at the person.

Secretary Li muttered for a while, and finally bit the bullet and said, "Miss Xia...Miss Xia moved things in your office before she left, and...remodeled them, put something else, messed up..."

"Forget it, you, you can see for yourself..."

He opened the door a little more self-abandoningly, it was hard to look directly at the expression of the president later.

Yan Shuo raised his eyebrows slightly.

What did you put?
The young man strode his long legs and walked into the office unhurriedly.

After seeing the scene inside clearly, he stopped in his tracks.

Secretary Li lowered his head the whole time, for fear of encountering any unwarranted disaster.

You must know that it was messed up, very, very... peculiar... completely destroyed the layout and color blocks that the president likes, it is simply, it is a collision with the president's aesthetics of black, white and gray!
Still on a rampage!

Secretary Li's mind had already seen the president's usual expression of curling up his lips in a half-smile when he was unhappy.


(End of this chapter)

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