Chapter 923
The woman who always wears a long skirt will smile and wave to them from afar.

"My baby girl, baby son-in-law, baby son, come quickly, mom bought your favorite mango cake!"

After getting in the car, the three children sat down obediently.

"What's the matter with my little son-in-law? Why is he so stern? Who bullied our Xia family?"

He was startled, and lowered his head uncomfortably.

Little Xia Yan with two shofar braids bit the cake spoon and said loudly, "He's been like this all along! Mom! He's just paralyzed!"

Xia He, who was not very smart since he was a child, ate the cake, and repeated vaguely to his sister: "Facial paralysis, facial paralysis."

The gentle woman in a long skirt couldn't help laughing, and looked at the little boy who had no expression on his face, "This is not okay, my precious son-in-law is so handsome, you should smile more in the future."

He saw in the memory, the child raised his lips and smiled unskillfully.

Some blunt, some dazed.

Although he really doesn't like to laugh, but... Turning his head, he saw the little girl who was smiling proudly with two dimples on her brows and eyes and her lips curled up under the sun, he suddenly bent her lips and smiled too.

"My son-in-law is good-looking, and he looks exactly the same as his mother when he smiles!"

The little girl covered her lips, not knowing whether she was laughing or something, and secretly glanced at him, blushing.

For some reason, he really wanted to reach out and pinch her face—it looked easy to pinch.

But forget it, she is already very proud, she can't be too proud.

The little boy thought vaguely.

So much for the memories of my childhood.

Often at this time, that sentence will sound again in my mind like a bewilderment.

"Xiao Shuo, from now on, you will be Yanyan's older brother." The woman in a long skirt said with a gentle smile.

"From now on, you have to protect her."

"……it is good."

You are no longer worthy of her.

From now on, you can grow up with her, and spoil her for the rest of your life as an older brother.

You can do it.

Yan Shuo.


After middle school, family dinners.

Xia He went to the toilet, and Xia Yan went out to make a phone call.

In the hotel box, Aunt Xia might be too happy. After drinking with Uncle Xia for a while, she said casually with a smile: "Seeing you growing up healthy and healthy, your uncle and I don't know how happy we are. Next time If you are so happy, it should be time for you to get married."

There was a sudden movement in his heart.

Aunt Xia said happily: "When your younger sister gets married in the future, you will be the best man for Yan Yan, and Xia He will pick up the bride. The whole family must be tidy."

The huge dining table fell silent.


He heard his own heartbeat, as if it had also quietly stopped.

The middle-aged man's voice sounded, he smiled, not aware of the unusual atmosphere at the table at all: "I think you are thinking too early, they are only in middle school, how did they get married? Women..."

The woman said angrily: "What do you know? Now we need to start talking about the child. I think the boy from the Lin family is also good. He mainly has business dealings with our family and can pave the way for us in the future."

"After the last party, his mother always came to chat with me. I can tell at a glance from the set of words and the meaning of flattery-this is asking for my son. It's really funny."

"But I quite like that kid. He has a sweet mouth and loves to laugh. Although his grades are not very good, doesn't Yanyan just like to play?"

"I don't know about Yanyan's child? Your daughter doesn't like her who is too rigid and serious, but she is particularly interested in tall boys who are sunny."

(End of this chapter)

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