Chapter 930
It is the other party's freedom to come back or not, especially now that there is no reason for them to see each other except for online business contacts.

Sometimes Dad Xia intentionally attends a few more corporate parties, but he doesn't know if he is avoiding him, or it's just a coincidence every time, after each time he arrives, either he has already left, or he hasn't shown up from beginning to end.

In the end, others only told him that Xinyue's president was not easy to date.

So I could only sigh.

He didn't know the reason, but he always had an intuition—although Don't Repay have helped them for so many years without interruption, but he seemed to have a grudge against them.

After all, I haven't seen each other for so many years, and at the dinner table, everyone at the dinner table said polite words at first.

However, as they chatted, their eyes became hot.

The child who has been raised for more than ten years has only been away for a few years, how could the relationship disappear.

So the screen became Xia's father and summer's mother's continuous output, Yan Shuo was gentle and logical, and hardly stopped, chatting about Britain, jewelry, Xinyue's future development, and lamenting the comparison between his childhood and his present.

When they were immersed in the memories of the past, Lian Jue stopped in time.

She coughed, "Actually, I brought my brother here today, and he has another identity."


Dad Xia was stunned.

"Anyway, not in this capacity."

Big Mouth Xia He: "What brand did you create again? Are you going to enter the women's clothing industry?"

Lian Jue smiled slightly at him, "Shut up."

Xia He: "..."

Yan Shuo looked at her with a smile.

For today's occasion, Lian Jue specially wore a floral dress that looked like a very good woman. Her long hair fluttered over her shoulders, revealing her slender neck.

"Dad, Mom, brother and I are together." She announced the matter in a low voice, "We are boyfriend and girlfriend now, that is, the kind that will get married in the future."

Dad Xia: "..."

Mom Xia: "..."

Xia He: "..."

The three of them looked at them with their mouths gaping, as if they hadn't reacted at all.

Yan Shuo smiled, and gently held the girl's hand on the table, "Uncle and aunt, that's right."

The three petrified again.

If Dad Xia and Mother Xia are out of their bodies, then Xia He's performance has been released a lot.

He looked left and right, and the world fell apart: "You two? Are you together? When? What happened? Why didn't you tell me? You, you are brother and sister..."

Lian Jue ignored him, but looked at Xia Ma.

"Mom, what do you think?"


She was in a daze, and finally came to her senses under the girl's soft call.

"Of course it's me and my brother being together, how about it?"

She paused for a moment, and finally said slowly: "...I have no objection."

Seemingly realizing that her expression was not very good, the woman quickly smiled.

His tone also returned to normal.

"Originally, your parents always made jokes about the two of you when you were young, but I didn't expect it to come true one day."

"Good, good."

There was nothing unusual on the woman's face.

Lian Jue looked at Dad Xia who was at the side.

She raised her eyebrows: "Dad, what do you think?"

"I...of course I have no objection."

Although it was a little surprising that the two children were together, since they were together, he couldn't stop them.

Yan Shuo said in a gentle voice, "Thank you uncle and auntie for understanding, I will treat Yanyan well in the future."

Then he met the girl's eyes.

A smug look, how can you follow the eyes of the master.

(End of this chapter)

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