Chapter 933
The girl's eyes fell on him suspiciously.

Swipe up and down.

Yan Shuo raised his eyebrows, "I need to change clothes, do you want to see?"

She folded her hands, "What are you talking about? Why, can't I read it?"

He has done all kinds of embarrassing things, how can he pretend to be a chaste husband.

Lian Jue not only wants to see, but also does not want to let go of any detail.

Yan Shuo was quiet for a while, then suddenly smiled, "That's right."

He took off his upper body vest in front of her.

Then he reached for the waistband of his trousers.

Lian Jue: "..."

Do you want to change your pants?

Touching his nose suddenly felt embarrassed, Lian Jue turned slightly sideways.

Although it is not uncommon for her to see the scene of him taking off his pants, she has seen it many times.

cough cough...

She stared at the door frame next to her, "Fitness is fitness, why is it before I come back every day, it's so strange."

Originally, she was still regretting that the gym at home was useless.

Yan Shuo put on his pants slowly and leisurely, not in a hurry.

I didn't tell her, naturally, because I wanted to create an illusion of having a good figure without any effort.

If he doesn't exercise, he won't be able to maintain this illusion for a day.

He had to spend hours every day trying to get the body she liked.

"come over."


"Take a mandarin duck bath together?" Someone tugged at her braids and warmly invited.

Lian Jue: "..."

"No," she tossed her braids, "I didn't move much today, I didn't sweat, and I don't plan to take a shower."

She is determined.

Lian Jue did not forget the loss she suffered last time.

But she thought about it again, he just exhausted some physical exercise, maybe...

Don't have the energy to move your hands and feet?

The girl hesitated.

Yan Shuo only invited once, and didn't continue, "I've prepared a meal in the restaurant, let's eat."

Jun stood tall and walked towards the shower.

It was only then that Lian Jue noticed that his T-shirt was not worn just now, he was just holding it in his hand, and his upper body was always naked.

Lian Jue silently glanced away and walked into the restaurant.

After the good guy rejected his request for a mandarin duck bath, he regretted it a bit.

After dinner, the two watched a movie together as usual.

Maybe Lian Jue was dazed, his eyes were fixed on the picture on the projection cloth, but his mind was full of pictures of Yan Shuo undressing.

I put the popcorn in my mouth for 10 minutes without thinking about chewing it, and I didn't realize it until my hands were sore.

In the end, just as she was about to open her mouth, Yan Shuohan walked away, "..."

Staring at his face, Lian Jue looked down at his gray t-shirt.

The scenery on his waist flashed in his mind.

Yan Shuo chewed the popcorn slowly, as if he was watching a movie very seriously, with his hands propped behind his back, the curve from the jawline to the neck was slender and beautiful.

Lian Jue realized that something was wrong with him today - he didn't hug her, but sat by himself?

With a very comfortable and enjoying expression?

Lian Jue suddenly lost the desire to eat popcorn.

The girl stared at the man with disappointment on her face.

Could it be that the legendary love will disappear?
The nature of all men?
She put down the popcorn and sat a little closer.

Yan Shuo seemed to be watching the movie very seriously, he didn't notice her side, and there was no movement.

She moved a little, almost sitting on his lap.

Yet the man was still staring at the film without blinking.

He didn't reach out to hug her either.

His brows were still furrowed, as if immersed in the plot.

The girl reached out and pinched hard on his tight thigh.

She thought grimly, it must be time to get the pig's attention now.

(End of this chapter)

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