Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

937 Chapter 1 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

937 Chapter 1 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"Hello everyone, this is the "Singer" program group that has attracted much attention since the interview! After being eliminated and selected by the director group, there are now 120 valiant and powerful singers who will be stationed in the program base, and they will soon start their "Singer" Singer "Journey!"

As soon as the camera turned, it switched to the scene of the base.

As expected of a person in the art circle.

In the camera, some are dressed in strange clothes, some are punk, and some... er, there is no distinction between men and women at a distance of five meters, and there is no distinction between humans and animals at a distance of ten meters.

But mostly normal young boys in their prime.

The youthful boys moved into the dormitory building with suitcases.

"Here, I solemnly invite all producers to join me in voting for the most powerful one!"


"Ah Ran! Here!"

"Ah Ran!"

The well-behaved boy in white short-sleeved snatched a good seat, immediately turned around and waved excitedly to the stairs not far behind him.

A tall and tall figure slowly appeared at the originally empty corner.

Even in the overcrowded cafeteria, among so many young and handsome boys, this figure and temperament can be regarded as outstanding.

Looking up again, it is even more difficult to look away.

The face is handsome, tall and straight like a pine.

Not too ostentatious, but it can be seen at a glance in the crowd.

Qin Fang yelled again, and raised his arms high: "Ah Ran!"

Zhao Zhi, who was sitting opposite, also beckoned, "Ah Ran, here!"

The people around the corner glanced over and saw the two of them—even in a place full of chaotic sounds, it was hard for people not to notice the loud voice that had been playing rock and roll for four or five years.

He lifted his foot and walked over.

"Washing your hands so slowly? Did you fall into a pit?"

After finishing off politely, Qin Fang still pulled up a chair for his brother.

However, at a glance, I saw a few young female staff members with badges not far away, all of them glanced over here as if nothing.

"Damn!" Qin Fang cursed inwardly.

They have all come to the capital to come to the largest music talent show in China, and this guy is still so attractive.

Sitting down with a slender body, he only glanced at the empty table, "May I ask what you ordered?"

"Damn!" Zhao Zhi swears first, "You surnamed Qi, don't go too far! The two of you have worked so hard to take a seat here in advance. It's good for you to pick up the cheap, and you blame us for not picking up the food? You can see for yourself. How many people lined up at the window!"

Qi Ran glanced at it, and stood up first with a tall and straight body, "The last one left depends on the position."

Zhao Zhi's mind was spinning quickly, and he followed closely as soon as he heard it, and rushed out as soon as the words fell.

Qi Ran smiled lightly, "Old Qin, this is fate, just tell me, what you want to eat, I will take it according to the situation."

Qin Fang: "..."

"Wori! You two sons of a bitch better not come back!!!"

The base restaurant is a self-service mode. In addition to the concentrated seats in the middle of the square cabin, there are all kinds of food from all over the world, which is enough to meet the tastes of players from different places, and it is an eye-opener.

Qin Fang came over just after class in the training room, who would have guessed the result of coming early in the morning?He didn't even have a chance to choose vegetables!

Watching the plates of fat cows, pieces of beef, and tempting chickens being taken away one after another...

Qin Fang had a resentful expression on his face, he just felt like he was about to explode!

Blame that brat Qi Ran!

The heavy dinner plate fell on the table, making a pleasant crisp sound.

(End of this chapter)

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