Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

953 Chapter 17 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

953 Chapter 17 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
Lian Jue stared at the brilliant cherry blossoms outside the window for a while.

Forgive her for not having any girlish feelings. After staring at it for a long time, I thought it was pretty good-looking.

Just look at it a few more times.

So she turned around, and she had business to do.

So the girl turned around and said calmly, "See you at noon."


Is this what you mean by contacting the male lead?
On the stool, he said lightly, "See you at noon."

The boy's eyes fell on the lyrics book, and the pen in his hand drew a few notes.

Lian Jue looked down and noticed that there was a little pink on his lyrics board. At first she thought it was a cherry blossom.

It took two seconds to react, and his expression was slightly surprised.

It turned out to be him who drew it.

Not real cherry blossoms, but painted cherry blossoms.

What surprised Lian Jue was that the random strokes drawn with pink lines turned out to be so lifelike.

Her 5.2 eyesight almost didn't recognize her.

Draw cherry blossoms on the lyrics book...he likes cherry blossoms?Or is it just a random drawing, as you like.

Lian Jue stepped out of the training room door.

In Lian Jue's impression, those who like cherry blossoms seem to be anime nerds.

...I can't imagine Qi Ran chasing after anime.


Scanning the crowd, Qingjun frowned slightly, "There are too many people, go to the canteen."

Qin Fang and Zhao Zhi stared at the staff and contestants who passed by one after another, and they also muttered speechlessly, "I'm late, I blame the vocal teacher for delaying the class."

"It's a waste of time, Mr. Spicy Chicken will give me back my youth!"

The three turned to the other side of the stairwell.

As expected, there were not many people in the secondary canteen, Qin Fang and Zhao Zhi, two starving ghosts, had already rushed out with their plates.

Qi Ran also took a tray.

He looked around the cafeteria, and finally walked to one of the windows.

"Handsome, can you hold the tray for me?"

A tall and beautiful girl stopped him suddenly, with a smile on her face, but the corners of her lips were pitifully drawn into a straight line, "This one is too heavy, and the seat is too far away, sorry, I was going to ask the staff if they could help me." I sent it over, but it was rejected, can... can you help me?"

The girl held the bibimbap in the stone pot and looked at him eagerly.


The boy said indifferently, walked away, and passed her directly.


She stared in disbelief at the back of the other party picking up vegetables at the window.

Can't you see me holding a stone pot with a girl? !

She acted too fake?

She is the director's daughter.

Looking at the other party's handsome and slender back, the girl bit her.


the other side.

After Lian Jue completed the task in the morning, it was a long time before anyone came to take over. As a result, after a while, she learned that the staff member had been sent to the hospital with acute gastroenteritis.

The staff who had been on shift also went to the hospital, so Lian Jue had to check again on behalf of the shift. After the last check at noon and handover with Bei Cai, she finally ran to the cafeteria out of breath.

In fact, there is a high-end restaurant outside the base specially prepared for high-level executives. It is specially prepared for directors, producers, and producers. You don’t need to queue up or pay money, and you can take pictures and act aggressively. Having to run out, Lian Jue felt that it was a waste of time, so he spent most of his time eating and drinking with the players in the base.

She knew that she came late, so she didn't even think about going to the main dining hall, and went straight to the smaller one.

——The program group is good in everything, but the cafeteria is too small and there are too many staff.

(End of this chapter)

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