Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

959 Chapter 23 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

959 Chapter 23 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
On the dinner plate on the table, there are several pieces of chicken breast, and a plate of vegetable salad, with a sweet potato on the side.

The only meat available was a small portion of shredded beef.

The girl looked at the salad bowl in his hand and asked in puzzlement, "How do you eat vegetable salad?"

Wasn't the bowl full of meat last time?

He paused.

"You are already very thin, there is no need to lose weight." Lian Jue said incomprehensibly.

"No matter how thin you are, you will lose your appearance. There is really no need to lose weight."

"I ate too greasy yesterday," he said with a normal expression, "I want something lighter today."

"Oh," the girl bit her chopsticks and felt relieved, "You should have said it earlier."

No wonder.

She remembered that he should love meat very much, boys seem to be like this, last time she saw that his plate was full of meat, and there were almost no vegetarian dishes.

"But you are really thin, don't lose weight." The girl finally raised her mouth worriedly, like a head teacher in a class who is afraid that the top students will be bad.

"You don't need to lose weight...do you need to gain weight?" Qi Ran nodded, and then spoke lightly.

Lian Jue was puzzled.

When did he start paying so much attention to his body?
With the broadcast of the show, he also started to care about his own image?

She refreshed her understanding of him again.

Lian Jue swallowed and drank some water, "No need, your image is fine now."

"Just keep it," the girl said, fearing that he would have some wrong idea of ​​dieting. "It doesn't matter if you usually like meat, as long as you are not prone to obesity."

The coquettish beauty Gu Lanlan stared at the two of them with indescribable eyes.

These two...

Didn't they have a good chat?

They look like they need someone in the middle to be their wingman?
Then what is she doing here?

Gu Lanlan fell into depression.


After dinner, the girl sent Gu Lanlan away. She seemed to be in a good mood on the way, and asked about her best friend's love life, "How are you getting along with that Gu Rui?"

"that's it."

The other party's temper was a little too boring, and after chatting with him once or twice, he stopped talking.

As she said that, Gu Lanlan thought of Liu Mingzhou whom she just met today.

Sunshine's character seems to be more charismatic.

Thinking of today's business, Gu Lanlan frowned, "I found that Qi Ran seems to treat you a little differently."

"What's the difference?"

"I can't say it, but it just feels different. Anyway, it's different to you and other people, and it's special to you."

Lian Jue: "...Maybe I'm the producer? It's normal for him to take the initiative to say a few words to me."

Don't have too many players trying to please her recently.

"You think too much. If I were a contestant, I guess I would also get close to the producer. Compared with the producer and others, I would naturally be different."

Gu Lanlan: "..."

This kind of difference is different from that kind of difference, and she, who is a seasoned lover, can't tell the difference? ?
"I don't think I'm going to help. The two of you look totally..."

Love each other.

She swallowed these four words back into her stomach.

She said that Ye Rui would probably deny it again.

But what she said was clearly the truth.

Gu Lanlan patted her girlfriend's shoulder and rolled her eyes, "Anyway, you can experience it yourself."

Lian Jue: "..."

Gu Lanlan left, and Lian Jue walked and sat by the seaside behind the base for a while.

Perhaps because of being stimulated by Gu Lanlan's words, Lian Jue remembered what Qin Fang said before.

(End of this chapter)

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