Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

968 Chapter 32 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

968 Chapter 32 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
The protagonist of the sober plane in the world.

"Yes, there really is no free lunch in this world, so you have to pay a certain price."

He waited quietly for her next words.

Lian Jue stopped in her tracks, "Be mine..."


She raised her eyes, her fair face raised slightly, "I can guarantee that no matter what the process is, you will be the champion in the end."

The bottom of the young man's eyes was full of turbulence that could not see the color clearly.

The fingers placed by her side also completely loosened following her two words.


The girl lowered her head, put her hands behind her back, and continued to walk slowly, "Of course, there is a time limit, um...it will last until the end of the show, after you win the championship."

"During this period, we exchanged resources. You meet my requirements. You can freely come and go to my house on Saturdays and weekends when you are not shooting. I will provide you with more opportunities to appear in front of the public, including filming commercials and recording programs."

"Of course, if we develop feelings later," she paused slightly, "after the deadline, we can separate or stay together."

"That is... a normal lover."

Gu Lanlan's way of getting together and taking a break is not completely suitable for her current situation, so she made some changes.

At that time, it depends on the meaning of the male lead.

After he successfully debuted, the status and status of the two people switched, and the right to speak to decide whether to stay or not fell into his hands.

If he wants to put his career first, he will separate naturally. If he still wants to continue dating, then the two of them will be underground lovers.

Anyway, she doesn't care, she has been whoring for so long, and she is not losing money.

——The debut of the male protagonist in the plane is a certainty, and it has nothing to do with her. She just has the advantage of knowing the future, and on this basis, she can fool the male protagonist with a few words.

Even without those opportunities to show up more, he will still debut as a champion.

As for the other things, even Jue had already thought about it, even if he could prostitute for a day, it would be a profit!

That's the future superstar Uranus!
Coincidentally, the future superstar asked a question.

"why me?"

"Why can't it be you?" The girl blinked and looked at him.

"You always have to give me a reason." He lowered his eyes slightly when she looked at him, and his voice was low.

She actually felt shy when he saw the male lead.

Lian Jue naturally stretched out a hand and pressed it against the wall beside him.

"Because..." the girl stood on tiptoe, her lips pressed against his ear, "I like you."

The soft words burst into his ears.

Under the sunlight, the well-shaped ear showed a beautiful light pink color. She stared at it, feeling eager to touch it.

But it's somewhat unreasonable to take advantage of others just after negotiating conditions. If they are regarded as perverts and the talks collapse, then it will be over.

So Lian Jue withdrew his little hand regretfully.

"I have two conditions." His voice was calm.

"You said."

"You said before that you may not always be on this show, and there are other shows that invite you. If I agree, can you not agree with them and wholeheartedly..."

"Fulfill your promise to me."


Lian Jue didn't expect him to raise such a condition.

This thing was supposed to lie to him.

"Also, since you said you like me, why are you getting so close to other contestants?"

Lian Jue: "..."

 Thank you, Ah Yue, for the reward of 100 book coins!

(End of this chapter)

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