Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

974 Chapter 38 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

974 Chapter 38 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
There was the sound of splashing water in the bathroom.

Qi Ran sat on the bed, his mind was not calm.

He has already washed it, and now she is washing it. The frosted glass in the bathroom reflects the graceful figure of the other party.

He was mentally prepared for sleeping together, but when faced with such a situation...

Qi Ran slowly opened his right hand that had been tightly held.

Slight traces of sweat highlighted the owner's restless mood.


The sound of water stopped at some point, and the girl came out wiping her hair.

She was only wearing a nightgown, with long, straight legs under a light-coloured cotton fabric.

Fair and attractive.

Qi Ran only glanced at it, then lowered his eyes slightly.

The girl put down the towel and climbed onto the bed.

"Qi Ran."

He had to look up.

Lian Jue only noticed at this moment that his neck turned red at some point.


The girl raised her eyebrows suspiciously.

She didn't think about it too much, maybe the water temperature was relatively high when taking a bath.

But in the eyes of young people, it is another scene.

She had already removed her makeup, her face was white and clean, her eyelashes were long and slender, and there were still a few drops of water hanging from her ears.

The eyes are big and bright.

Unlike her usual long curly hair and light makeup, she now looks like a little girl who has just learned about people.

"Did I turn off the lights?"


The bedroom then went dark.

There was the rustling of the quilt.

She got in.

There was a warm heat source beside him, Qi Ran stared at the ceiling, his sides seemed to be slightly hot.

"I hugged you?"


The girl put her arms around her waist.

Maybe it's because men's body temperature is high, and his body is like a heater.

It's still early spring, so it's so cool to hold such a warm pillow.

She didn't pay attention just now, but after hugging her, she was surprised to find that the other person's body was so good!
That's right, the place where she pressed her hand happened to be the opponent's abs.

A thin layer of fabric can't stop the hard feel.

Based on his feeling, Lian Jue hesitantly took out six yuan.


So this guy is so naked?
Lian Jue never imagined that he looks so thin, but he has such a good figure... Usually in the base, I have never seen this person exercising.

A kind of joy of picking up a treasure arises spontaneously.

Feel the opponent's body tremble suddenly.

The girl moved her arm slightly reluctantly, "Don't be afraid, I won't do anything."

Qi Ran: "..."

He stared at the ceiling, his Adam's apple rolling.

"Go to sleep." The girl's voice was soft, and she leaned closer and kissed his chin.

She pursed her lips and closed her eyes contentedly.

Qi Ran stared at the ceiling, a little lost in thought.

There was a person lying in his arms, like a soft and warm animal, a small one, nestled in his arms, with one arm wrapped around his waist.

After a while, she seemed to fall asleep.

The sound of even and shallow breathing rang in the ears.

His numbed arm slowly pulled out, lifting the person up.

Let her face rest on her collarbone.

Maybe it will be more comfortable that way.

he thinks.


Because she slept well, Lian Jue woke up very early.

She stretched and turned over.

At the same time, her knee hit something amazing.

Lian Jue paused.

The outstretched arm stopped in mid-air, and she blinked.

The people around him were sound asleep, their eyes were quietly closed, and there was no movement.

In order to verify his conjecture, Lian Jue lifted the quilt and took a look.


(End of this chapter)

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