Quickly wear the boss, she is always teased by male gods

981 Chapter 45 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]

981 Chapter 45 Wild Unruly Little Lover [-]
"What was the endorsement fee for your mobile phone last time?" The girl stared at the newspaper, and said in a casual tone, as if she mentioned it by accident.

Qi Ran glanced at her, "200 million."


Lian Jue stared at the newspaper, and said without any guilt: "It's only 200 million, which is too little."

Qi Ran put the tea bag into the kettle, "The director said there will be more in the future."

Lian Jue thought, of course I know.

But who would have thought that his starting point was 200 million!

You must know that her monthly salary only starts with six figures.

As a money owner, he worked tirelessly for a month, and his salary was not even a fraction of what the other party earned in a day's work.

This matter must not let the little lover know.

Otherwise, how can she maintain her image of a cold and domineering boss.

"What are you going to do with the money?"

Qi Ran paused in his gaze and covered the kettle, "Part of it is used to see a doctor for my parents, part of it is used to buy education funds for my younger brother, and the rest..."

He paused, and his eyes fell on the girl not far away.

Listening to what he said, Lian Jue remembered something, she lifted her chin and looked up, "I can help transfer to the hospital in Beijing for your parents' matter if necessary."

"No, Lancheng's surgery is very mature."


"You just said, what are you going to do with the rest of the money?"

He now has 200 million in his hand, which is more than enough to prepare for his parents' surgery, and his brother's education fund, even if it is all taken away, there will be at least half of it left. What will he use this money for?
Qi Ran turned on the fire, and the flower and fruit tea in the pot frothed slightly.

The slender figure came over and sat down beside her, "Is there anything you want?"

The girl had long hair draped over her shoulders, with one strand hanging by her ear. Qi Ran moved her fingers slightly, but stopped in mid-air.

In the end... it slowly came back.

"I want to give you a gift." The magnetic voice said.

Want to give her a gift?

With the first endorsement fee?
Lian Jue was lying when he said that he was not moved, it seemed that he was at least [-]% in his heart as a benefactor.

The girl coughed, "No, I'm so rich, so naturally I don't need anything."

The character still has to stand still.

How can the gold master spend the money of the little lover.

"Really... nothing you want?" The magnetic voice was low and deep.


"Then I will choose based on my own feelings."


The girl suddenly thought, "Are you implying that I haven't bought you a gift for a long time?"

The corner of the youth's lips twitched slightly, "No, I just want to buy a gift for you."

"That's what you mean." The girl said affirmatively.

"Let's go shopping." Her eyes lit up, and her tone was very generous, "By the way, I'll buy you some new clothes."

She turned her head and tugged at the white t-shirt on his body, "Look at the brands you wear all day long without a logo, you're just throwing me away as a benefactor."

The young man looked down quietly at the white t-shirt on his body, and at the Prada logo on her body.

Not a word was said.

Lian Jue dragged him to the mall.

Naturally dressed tightly, especially Qi Ran, who was almost dressed up like a mummy by her.

Sunglasses, masks and glasses are all available, so I'm afraid of being recognized by fans.

Qi Ran was quite obedient and let her play around, but when he went out, he seemed to attract more people's attention.

Lian Jue: "..."

She pulled people straight towards the most luxurious and prosperous luxury shopping mall in the whole capital.

(End of this chapter)

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